High performance object storage overview

Scalable and high-performance storage from €0.007 ex. VAT/month/GB


An object storage space that is fully compatible with the S3 API, available at competitive prices so you can address your own challenges and get the most out of your data.

  • Modernise your platforms with scalable, pay-as-you-go storage solutions.
  • Back up your data in the cloud with a solution that is compatible with most backup management solutions on the market.
  • Ideal for big data, artificial intelligence (AI) and all use cases that require high performance.

Standard and reversible service

Our high-performance storage service, supported by OVHcloud’s technological innovations. Compatible with market standards such as Veeam, HYCU and Nextcloud.

Data sovereignty

Your data is secured on a trusted platform with guaranteed confidentiality. Protect the sovereignty of your sensitive data by moving it with our S3 API. 

Split your invoice into 3

Get competitive prices, with no nasty surprises like other solutions on the market, all without sacrificing performance. A service recognised by the latest Cloud Mercato benchmark.

ISO/IEC 27001, 27701 and healthcare data hosting compliance

Our cloud infrastructures and services are ISO/IEC 27001, 27017, 27018 and 27701 certified. These certifications ensure the presence of an information security management system (ISMS) for managing risks and vulnerabilities and implementing a business continuity plan. They also ensure the presence of a privacy information management system (PIMS). Plus, thanks to our health data hosting compliance, you can also host healthcare data securely.

Our Object Storage range

  Standard Object Storage – S3 API    High Performance Object Storage – S3 API


A scalable object storage service that is compatible with the vast majority of use cases.

A scalable object storage service designed to manage large data sets with intensive read and write operations.

Uses Backups, media platforms, content storage and delivery, websites, log files, analytics. AI, Data Analytics, data lakes, high-performance computing (HPC), multimedia and content platforms.

Storage price

€0.007 ex. VAT/month/GB

€0.018 ex. VAT/month/GB


Use case examples

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Develop AI or machine learning applications and process high-power computing workloads using our Object Storage solution. You can use it to store high volumes of data, while enjoying high bandwidth and low storage costs.

Multimedia Catalogue

Host your data catalogue in our Object Storage solution: recommended for applications with static content (images, text files, tables, sounds, or videos).

Backup and disaster recovery

Use Object Storage to consolidate your data protection strategy with cost-effective, efficient, and immutable storage natively integrated with backup management software such as Veeam (certified Veeam Ready) or HYCU.

Why migrate your data to OVHcloud?

api S3

Protect yourself from vendor lock-in

Maintain your data sovereignty with our S3 API. This way, you can move your data from any platform offering the S3 API to a provider that respects reversibility.

Control your budget

Get great prices for storage and traffic. You manage your billing through a predictive and transparent pricing model, so you won’t get any nasty surprises at the end of the month. 

Adapt your application effortlessly

Update your configuration (the endpoint and credentials) while keeping the same application code and tools.

Test in just a few minutes

Create a bucket

# aws --endpoint-url https://s3..io.cloud.ovh.net s3 mb s3://test1

List your buckets

# aws s3 ls

Push your files as objects in a bucket

# aws s3 cp /etc/magic s3://test1

Configure Object Storage with your solutions


Want to learn more? View all the documentation on the Object Storage classes.


Need help getting started? Find out how to configure the CLI or S3 SDK, and create your first object buckets.


Our storage classes are S3 compatible with a wide range of features.


Enable versioning and immutability to better protect your backups.

Ready to get started?

Create an account and launch your services in minutes



You can encrypt your data with your own key using an SEE-C feature that uses the AES-256 protocol. Sending data to the endpoint is also secure, and the data is encrypted using HTTPS protocol.


Versioning helps guard against accidental file deletion or data corruption. It allows you to recover a specific and previous version of lost or corrupted items, even after it’s deleted.


Your backup data is immutable. Thanks to WORM (write once read many), it cannot be modified. With the S3 lock feature, you can create different settings according to your needs, activity and data type. For example, you can set a retention period or mode (legal, governance, or compliance).


Get local redundancy in a region with Erasure Coding, so that the service is resilient to the loss of a fault domain.

Static website storage

You can create a website that contains only static content (HTML pages, images, videos) that is scripted on the client side. In comparison, a dynamic website relies on server-side processing to process data and help render content.

User Profile Management

Manage your user identities and access to your Object Storage S3 resources through management of standard S3 JSON user profiles, with different read, write or administrator rights.

Access Control List (ACL) management

By default, all resources (buckets and objects) and subresources (lifecycle configuration, website configuration, etc.) are private. You can change access to these resources by user or by bucket-based policy.


Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a technique that allows resources from a client web application that is loaded from one domain to interact with resources located in a different domain. Enable CORS on your buckets to allow your web applications to fetch your files stored in OVHcloud Object Storage.

Access Logging

Server Access Logging provides detailed records for the requests that are made to a bucket. Server access logs are useful for many applications. For example, access log information can be useful in security and access audits.

Pricing Public Cloud

Object Storage Billing

Object storage is charged per GB, per hour. The displayed price indicates the cost of a full month of storage. Outgoing traffic from objects is also charged per GB.

The advantages of object storage

Object storage offers a number of advantages, the main one being reduced costs as your data grows. Your data is stored on one or more servers sized to accommodate terabytes or even petabytes of information, while optimising operational costs. The environment is also designed to adapt to changing needs, without needing to overhaul the infrastructure or the way it runs. 

What is Object Storage?

Object Storage is an online storage service for storing data without space limitations in an unstructured format called objects. It is also accessible via API. With this storage system, every piece of data includes metadata, providing further information and details about these objects. This can be date of creation or modification, content type, size, owner, or any other object-specific information. This metadata makes it easier to find and manage data and, as a result, simpler to organise and protect them. They also improve interoperability between different object storage systems.

Why use object storage?

An Object Storage solution is ideal for storing large amounts of unstructured data.
What is unstructured data? This is data that is not organised or stored according to a pre-determined model or system. This data can be text, images, videos, audio files, blog posts, streaming videos, newspaper articles, social media photos, and so on. Since unstructured data is constantly growing, object storage is ideal for hosting and managing it. Object storage offers the significant scalability needed to match this steep increase — through the addition of nodes and metadata — making it easier to manage such large volumes of data. Moreover, object storage uses industry-standard APIs like the S3 API to simplify the integration and portability of data.

Object Storage, Block Storage and File Storage

Some of the most popular data storage options are Object Storage (object-based storage), Block Storage (block-level storage) and File Storage (file-based storage). Each has its own specific architecture and uses. Object storage is primarily designed to store data as individual objects with their unique identifiers (keys), and is ideally suited for storing large amounts of unstructured data. With Block-level storage, data is stored in blocks that are treated as separate drives in a system, which makes it ideal for applications that require direct access to data blocks (databases or file systems). File-based storage is designed to organise data hierarchically in files and folders, and is ideally suited for file storage and collaborative access.


What Service Level Agreement (SLA) does OVHcloud guarantee for access to the Object Storage service?

The SLA guarantees 99.9% monthly availability for accessing the Object Storage service. For further information, please refer to the General Terms and Conditions of Service.

How do I access and/or manipulate data in Object Storage?

There are several ways of manipulating the data stored on Object Storage. To integrate this management directly into your application, you can use CLI, SDK or S3 APIs. You can also directly use a client that is available on the market, or Infrastructure as Code tools such as Terraform.

What is the limit for the volume of data that can be stored on Object Storage?

There is no limit. In other words, OVHcloud manages the service so that there is always space available.

Which Object Storage solution should I choose?

For performance-intensive needs, the High Performance Object Storage solution is ideal. For uses where performance is not a primary criterion, the Standard Object Storage – S3 API is more suitable.

How does Object Storage work?

An Object Storage service works in a cluster with a large number of storage servers sharing algorithms to ensure data resilience. The service places and indexes data depending on which spaces are available. A cluster can be enlarged at any time.

What’s the difference between file systems and Object Storage?

There are many differences. The most important one is the fact that Object Storage is used for static data only, and the solution offers unlimited storage space.

What’s the difference between Object Storage and Block Storage?

The differences between Object Storage and Block Storage are mainly the access modes and volume limitations. The Block Storage service provides storage spaces that are sized as required and attached to an instance. These spaces are managed by the instance’s operating system. Object Storage provides unlimited space, which is managed directly by your application.