Choosing the best open-source CMS

Comparatif des meilleurs CMS

Comparing the best CMS platforms

Looking to build and manage your website with a quick and easy solution? Installing a CMS may be the answer you’re looking for.

What is a CMS?

With a CMS (Content Management System), you can create a dynamic, responsive website via an easy-to-use interface. This makes it easy to create pages, without necessarily needing to know web development languages.

There are hundreds of different types of CMS platforms for various uses, such as:

  • Writing articles and publishing them in a blog
  • Showcasing a business through a company website
  • Selling products online through an e-commerce website, with payment modules installed
  • Creating a community website, designed to share information between several web users

If you have no idea how to design a website, check out our guide on how to create a website in 5 steps. It walks you through everything, from choosing your domain name and web hosting plan to publishing your first pages.

Why use a CMS to create a website?

A "handmade" website (i.e. a website made without installing a content management system) requires the involvement of people who are able to design a website from start to finish. These developers have to be familiar with various programming languages such as HTML, PHP, JavaScript, and so on. Creating a website like this will give you the opportunity to create a more complex website that is more tailored to your preferences, but it will take a very long time to develop.

Globally, around 6 out of 10 sites rely on a CMS (according to The reason these systems are so successful is that they offer a number of advantages.

  • Ease of use: CMS platforms usually have a back-office (admin panel) with clear ergonomics. This facilitates the creation of the website and its pages via a WYSIWYG editor (What You See Is What You Get), where the user sees the final result straight away.
  • User friendly, mobile friendly: each CMS has templates to help you create a responsive website that is compatible with all devices. Our browsing behaviour has changed significantly, and is now mostly done by smartphone. We need to adapt to this, with websites designed to optimise these uses. Using a CMS platform is therefore a valuable asset.
  • Multi-user management: you can work as a team to design and develop your website by assigning roles to each contributor: page editing permissions, access to code, and so on.
  • Advanced customisation: You can add extra features to your website by downloading plugins from your CMS menu. This could include a form for subscribing to a newsletter, buttons that link to social media profiles, and many more.
  • Community: the most popular CMS platforms often have an active community. These are indispensable for seeking opinions and advice in order to improve your website.
  • SEO: Each environment showcases your content, improves the performance of your webpages, and boosts your ranking in search engine results.

Comparison of open-source CMS platforms

Data sources: w3techs, Wordpress, Journal du net, Prestashop, Dé, My Guroo.





  Popularity (average downloads/week)





CMS market share





Number of free themes

over 2,000


over 900

over 1,800

Number of free plugins

over 27,000

over 3,000

over 7,000

over 24,000

Frequency of updates

42 days


36 days

51 days

Level of skill required





There are around a hundred downloadable open-source CMS platforms, and of course, it is impossible to list them all here. We will therefore compare the most popular CMS platforms, and highlight their features. This way, you can choose which one best suits your website creation needs.


Logo Wordpress

As the most widely recognised open-source LAMP CMS, WordPress was originally created in response to the blogging trend. In 15 years, it has gone from being a competitor of Bloggers, OverBlog and others platforms to being an undisputed leader in CMS... and by a long stretch, since more than 60% of websites based on an open-source CMS use it worldwide! Without a doubt, it is the easiest solution to install and manage from our control panel. It offers users a very wide range of ready-to-use templates and plugins that can quickly meet most website configurations.

In short, WordPress is great for those who want a simple, effective solution to set up, without necessarily needing any in-depth technical knowledge. What’s more, it also offers strong SEO guarantees. However, WordPress quickly shows its limits when it comes to complex projects, which it is not designed for. The CMS also requires a certain level of security vigilance - its popularity means that it is a prime target for cybercriminals.

Create a WordPress blog


Logo Joomla

Originally born as a fork (created from the source code of an existing software) of the Mambo CMS, Joomla! has long been at the forefront of the most popular open-source CMS systems on the market... until WordPress came along. Joomla! is rather easy to install and configure, and can be used to design and build websites quickly, without the need for any specialised technical skills.

Since version 3 was released, Joomla! has made a leap forward in security. It also offers interesting services for rights and profiles customisation or multisite management. This makes it possible to design rich platforms including private spaces (intranet, extranet) if needed. Until now, these features were only available with more complex solutions.

Create a Joomla! website


Logo Drupal

This newcomer to the open-source CMS market has already become one of the greats. Designed as a platform for building social networks, Drupal quickly established itself as a robust and highly customisable CMS. This is mainly due to the integration of the Symfony framework (a group of reusable components), on which it is built.

This flexibility makes it a favourite among web designers when they are faced with ambitious, bespoke projects. Thanks to its creator, Dries Buytaert, Drupal has also popularised the concept of a “decoupled CMS”, which is now very popular. However, the solution requires a bit of a learning curve to get the most out of it.

Create a website using Drupal

E-commerce CMS solutions (e-commerce platforms)

Strictly speaking, PrestaShop and Magento are not content management systems, but e-commerce platforms. You can use them to create an online store, by adding product pages and payment methods to it. Combining WordPress with additional modules is a viable alternative for content-based sites with additional e-commerce needs.


Logo Prestashop

A favourite for many online retailers, PrestaShop is undoubtedly one of the most famous e-commerce solutions on the market. It is relatively easy to set up and configure, and stands out with its rich catalogue of add-ons. This French platform offers the opportunity to create an online store at a low cost and in record time.

Although it sets itself apart with its tailor-made projects, its intrinsic qualities have managed to attract leading brands. Without any doubt, this is a must-have solution for anyone looking to get started in e-commerce.

Creating an online shop


Logo Wordpress

Primarily marketed as a blog creation tool, WordPress offers much more advanced web solutions with many plugins available for integration into the CMS. When combined with other extensions required to manage an online store, WooCommerce allows you to deploy an e-commerce website with a high level of freedom and customisation. This solution is particularly well-suited for websites where the main activity is to offer content with a connected e-commerce element.

This type of usage requires some technical knowledge in order to manage the additional modules, maintenance and security of the e-commerce platform. It's a solution that balances the simplicity of PrestaShop with the technicality of a solution like Magento.

For projects like this, we recommend our Performance hosting plan, which will give you the performance and flexibility you need.


Logo Magento

This e-commerce solution quickly became a major leader on an international scale. Robust and highly configurable, it is mainly suited to complex and ambitious projects that require a high degree of customisation and a certain technical expertise. However, there is a learning curve involved in its administration interface. A strong infrastructure will also be required to realise its full potential.

Unlike our managed web hosting solutions, which come with one-click installation of a CMS like PrestaShop or WordPress, installing a Magento solution requires some solid technical knowledge. You can choose to deploy Magento on a Virtual Private Server (VPS) or a dedicated server

Overview of CMS platforms






Software speed





Easy to use





Suitable for a website with a simple structure





Customisation options





Plugin/extension library





Suitable for creating complex websites with high traffic





How do I install a web CMS with OVHcloud?

For 1-click modules

OVHcloud offers 1-click installation of WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal and PrestaShop. Simply select the module when you order a web hosting plan, or from your Control Panel. In just a few minutes, you will receive your login details, and can start configuring your website.

For more information, see our guide on using 1-click modules.

For other CMS platforms

Download files from the CMS website, then move them to your server. More information is available in our guide on uploading files via FTP. We carry out an optimised installation for one of the following modules: WordPress, PrestaShop, Joomla, or Drupal. However, we do not provide support for using and configuring a CMS.

The advantages of hosting your website with OVHcloud

  • Anti-DDoS protection: your website will always remain accessible, even in the event of an attack.
  • Free HTTPS: a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate is installed for free, so that you can have the HTTPS protocol on your website.
  • OVHcloud Web Statistics: easily follow the performance of your website, such as the number of visitors, via our comprehensive statistics dashboard.

Need to host a website and install a CMS?

Discover our web hosting plans


Which CMS should I choose for my website?

Above all, we recommend choosing a CMS adapted to your project’s needs. If you want to build a complex website that can handle high volumes of traffic, a robust CMS like Joomla! or Drupal will be better adapted to your needs. If you just want to design a small website or blog, WordPress is perfect for you.

Why choose a CMS?

With a CMS, you can choose from a wide range of website templates. You can then configure them to suit your needs and your company’s image. Finally, you just need to integrate the content you want to publish on your website. The process of creating and updating your project is much simpler with a CMS, and no programming knowledge is required.