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During the phenomenon of polar night, parts of the Arctic don’t see the sun for weeks or months at a time. The darkness drives some people insane, but for others, it opens a gateway into wonder and peace.

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Dial in your setup for cold-weather adventures with advice from polar explorers

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If you’ve been riveted by the discovery of the ‘Endurance’ shipwreck, dive deeper into the rich history of daring—and often tragic—Arctic and Antarctic expeditions with these works of fiction and nonfiction


The Netflix film tells the true story of an early 20th-century explorer and his engineer fighting to survive in the Arctic. We talked to the ‘Game of Thrones’ star about what it was like filming on location in Greenland and Iceland in extreme conditions.


Cecilia Blomdahl’s viral videos are a window into an unfamiliar world full of polar bears, reindeer, and adventures on snowmobiles. But they also offer suprisingly resonant insights for those of us who’ve just spent a year in quarantine.


The bestselling author’s latest novel was informed by years of researching the history of female aviation and traveling to far-flung places


From Colorado’s second-largest state park to a midwestern tribal park, there are plenty of new wild spaces to plan to visit. Plus, Outside staffers share what they think our 64th national park should be.

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A close encounter in the far north offers powerful lessons about how Native people have chosen to live alongside a dangerous predator

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With cruise traffic set to be at an all-time low this summer, you’ll be able to have the 49th state all to yourself


In one fell swoop, President Biden is undoing his predecessor's most harmful work on public lands, climate change, clean air and water, and environmental justice


Drawing only three bidders and $14 million, the administration's attempt to drill for oil in the massive Alaskan refuge is likely dead on arrival


'MeatEater' host Steven Rinella and adventure photographer Krystle Wright on the experiences that changed them

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These slackliners explore the limits of humankind high above the ground, under the northern lights.

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In its final months, Trump's Department of the Interior shows its true colors by rushing through drilling leases in Alaska and rewriting major components of the bipartisan Great American Outdoors Act


Goods for when the going gets tough

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A tale about two-wheeled island hopping in the midnight sun


These recent releases feature stories of gritty heroines on journeys through threatened wild landscapes


The good news: you can easily opt for a greener bank so your money works for good


For a book project about 16th-century polar explorer William Barents, Andrea Pitzer needed to reach the remote Arctic island where he and his men came to grief. She booked passage on an expeditionary boat out of Murmansk, then headed north on a trip marked by unforgettable scenery, unexpected loss, and wild magic that changed her life.


Years of underfunding and climate change are increasingly threatening the national park system. From the Everglades in Florida to Glacier in Montana, here are the ones we stand to lose.

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The North Pacific right whale has been spotted only a handful of times in 60 years. A marine biologist from Seattle wants to change that.


From polar explorer Eric Larsen to rock climber Sasha DiGiulian, here's what adventurers are doing with their downtime


A robbery was the last thing anyone ever expected in to the remote outpost of Longyearben, Norway

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Arctic Bath, a stunning new wellness retreat, makes it easy for guests to try out the Swedish health traditions of saunas and icy plunges

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Spend less than you would on a restaurant dinner and get a book that you'll cherish for years to come


Stop trying to trick us, gear companies. We know a parka when we see one.


Cozy up with one and start planning your next family adventure


Nikita Ovsyanikov has spent decades studying polar bears on a remote Siberian island to better understand their behaviors


A supposedly fun thing I would absolutely do again


And our world will never be the same

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Following a tragedy, a photographer finds a new sense of purpose in the wintertime sky

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As one of the northernmost settlements on earth, the Norwegian hamlet of Longyearbyen has become a magnet for adventurous souls looking to start a new life. But when an unsettling crime happened, it brought home a harsh reality: in the modern world, trouble always finds you.

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After tragedy followed Hugo Sanchez from El Salvador to Canada, he started photographing the northern lights, finding a new sense of purpose in the wintertime sky

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Because no one has time for missed connections and grueling layovers


A new miniseries from the podcast Threshold explores the controversy surrounding one of the our most contested pieces of public land by meeting the people who live off it


Mark your calendar: it's time to do or see something big next year. Here's how to pull it off.


Scientists turn to high-tech solutions to protect a threatened population


Author and political consultant Stuart Stevens loves a good sufferfest, so he couldn't resist Border to Border: 420 kilometers of nordic sliding through a country that defines what winter is all about


Hike, fish, and ski Europe's last stretch of wilderness from Niehku Mountain Villa in Swedish Lapland


Multimillionaire Victor Vescovo committed himself to one of the world’s craziest remaining adventure quests: to reach the deepest points in every ocean. What does it take to get there? A radically high-tech, $30 million Triton submersible, a team of crack engineers and scientists, and one very gonzo explorer.

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These experiences will help you connect to the land while respecting the indigenous cultures that have long inhabited it


Princess Daazhraii Johnson, a creative producer for the PBS series, tells Outside that the show is a "way of saying that it’s OK to be who you are, you should be proud of that."


Why these are our dream spots to cast away


Critical habitat for the species could be destroyed

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The Canadian pilot has summited Mount Everest, biked the Arctic, and rowed across the Atlantic


Regulatory changes to the Endangered Species Act put many, many species at risk—but particularly the cute and cuddly ones


The blazes are releasing so much carbon that they could create a feedback loop


I'm worse at it than your average tortoise, and yet I persist. Why? Miseries and all, there's no better foundation for my physical and mental health.


Meet the newest trend in full-service trip planning: surprise travel. You won't find out where you're going until it's time to go.


Caroline Van Hemert recounts an epic North American journey in her memoir 'The Sun Is a Compass.' But it's a lot more than just a gripping ride-along.


Inspiring stories by badass adventurers


The political dispute between Russia and Ukraine combined with weather to close down the Barneo ice camp


His new book, 'Horizon,' is the crowning achievement of a writer whose eyes never stray from the long view


Eric Larsen has more experience in the Arctic than just about anyone. He watched the new Mads Mikkelsen survival film and shared what he thought it got right and what missed the mark.


Eight hundred of the 2,300 Bureau of Land Management staff who remain on duty during the shutdown are dedicated to serving the oil and gas industries


Our northernmost state is also the most vulnerable to climate change


Advocates of drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge are trying to make an end run around the law and the American people. If they succeed, your backyard conservation area could be next.


The Alaska senator sent us a letter about her enviro bonafides. Naturally, we checked her work.


The luxury brand partners with the Explorers Club to support far-flung scientific journeys


Six winterized options for when the lifts stop spinning


From costumed toboggan rides to an unsanctioned triathlon in the Tetons, these quirky competitions are no joke


Holly "Cargo" Harrison survived a heart attack and a grizzly bear attack and now holds one of the most substantial FKTs ever


Some see economic windfall. Others, a carbon bomb.


A new Outdoor Industry Association report details outdoor rec spending by congressional district. Lawmakers should take note.


Arctic adventure and high malaise in pursuit of the Northwest Passage


When I needed to process my grief, the polar cold and isolation proved to be exactly what I needed


Temperatures were brutally low at this year’s running of the 300-mile competition, and one frostbitten competitor may lose his hands and feet. Is this just the price of playing a risky game, or does something need to change?


Students in the Extreme Polar Training course, a two-week freeze-fest held near the Arctic Circle on Canada's Baffin Island, learn how to live in Earth's coldest conditions. Still, nothing really prepares you for 72 hours of a sled-pulling, pathfinding ordeal on a skinny pair of skis.


Shrinking the national monuments was just the tip of the iceberg


Ada Blackjack had no wilderness skills before she was forced to fend for herself on a remote Arctic island—and outlived four male explorers

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To help you create the ultimate outdoor agenda, we asked our travel experts where they’re dying to go this year


Probably not this time. Eva Holland looks at how a disturbing wildlife image went viral—generating anguish, anger, and confusion about the undeniably warming Arctic.


The GOP tax-reform package will save companies billions. But it likely came at the cost of Bears Ears, Grand Staircase-Escalante, and ANWR.


Last winter, the author ventured to the tundra with an extreme tour company promising the ultimate digital renewal—ten days living with nomadic reindeer herders in one of the planet’s last remaining off-the-grid dark spots. Is it really possible to totally unplug?


Filmmaker Jason van Bruggen and his team from DOT DOT DASH spent May in Greenland at Swiss Camp Polar Research station with Dr. Konrad Steffen from WSL exploring the Arctic science that foreshadows and explains the impacts of our changing climate.

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