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Training & Performance

Back in 1986, scientists at University of Nairobi and Harvard studied the remarkable load-carrying capacities of women from the Luo and Kikuyu tribes in East Africa. The women, it turned out, could balance up to 20 percent of their bodyweight on their heads and carry it without using any…

A new study suggests men and women should address age-related declines in aerobic capacity quite differently


TikTokers are beseeching us to get off the treadmill and into the weight room. They might have a point.


A selection of (mostly) new titles for fans of science, endurance, fitness, and adventure


Many athletes believe that the more time they spend in the gym, the fitter and more competitive they’ll be, but that's usually not the case.


“Predictive processing” offers novel ways to think about sports psychology, the limits of endurance, and the urge to explore.


Our Sweat Science columnist tries out the heat adaptation protocol used by Oregon runners, and survives (barely) to tell the tale.

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Two adventurers followed the Qhapaq Ñan through the Peruvian Andes and discovered a trove of Latin American culture, beautiful landscapes, and challenging climbs

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A trove of ethnographic data reveals that persistence hunting—early humans relying on superior traits to chase down prey—was a worldwide phenomenon


Wunderkind Jakob Ingebrigsten may have lost (again) on Saturday at the Prefontaine Classic, but don’t expect his unorthodox training approach to disappear


Hard training and good genetics give elite runners an edge, but the four-minute barrier may have its own magic


Scientists are finding that the subjective perception of time during exercise is more complex than expected.


Having a high VO2 max is great, but research is showing that the key to elite performance is maximizing something called fatigue resistance

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Athletes train for years to overcome pain, exhaustion, and fatigue. But some people take it too far and are never the same again.

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Cycling has always been touted as easy on the knees. But actually preventing arthritis? That’s a new one.


In a recent study, transgender women athletes performed better at some strength and fitness metrics than cisgender women—and worse at others


More than 30,000 runners celebrated the 128th annual marathon with sunshine and blue skies. Athletes from Ethiopia and Kenya dominate the elite fields.


It's the thing I see countless teachers get wrong when creating a sequence


The fitter you get, the more likely you are to feel that you can’t get enough oxygen during hard exercise

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They both have benefits. Here’s how to use them to feel and perform better.

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Contrary to what scientists once thought, even superficial cooling is enough to interfere with muscle oxygen supply.


Not as soundly as you’d expect, actually


Short workouts can make you stronger, but longer workouts are better for building muscle, according to new research

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After being diagnosed with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), I wondered what was possible for my body

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Look around the start line of an endurance race and you don’t see many tall competitors. Look on the podium, and you never see any. Why is that?

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Avalanche victims need to be located as quickly as possible. But a newly published case report shows that occasionally, someone beats the odds.


The benefits of training your mental skills are, by definition, all in your head. So how do we prove that it works?

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The quest for adequate support can make running less efficient by forcing your breathing muscles to work harder, new research finds


How do you make the best of a golf addiction? Add running.

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Marijuana is still a banned substance for athletes, but new research is chipping away at the idea that it makes you faster


The logic is good and the anecdotes are common, but the evidence is shakier than expected, researchers find


There isn’t a ton of data on resistance training for women, so researchers pooled it to look for patterns

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New research suggests exercise may boost the “love hormone,” the latest in a long line of brain-boosting molecules

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The pursuit of performance in a bottle inherently undermines our attempts to get faster, stronger, and healthier, our Sweat Science columnist argues

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Data from a charity ride before last summer's Tour shows some obvious differences and surprising similarities to data from the pros.


New research explores the minimum effective dose of resistance training and the health effects of overdoing it


InsideTracker’s massive database of more than 23,000 runners shows that more mileage is associated with better biomarkers

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SIRO is partnering with Ramla Ali and Jonah Kest to develop a world-class wellness experience

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Adults will take recreational cues from their children, “unprocessed” will become a marketing asset, and rodents will show us the way to eternal life. 


It turns out you can absorb more carbohydrates than sports nutritionists thought. But does it actually make you faster?


We try to gain a competitive edge from things like nutrition, recovery, weight training, and new shoes. But what if becoming a parent does the trick?

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Over the past century, “maximal oxygen uptake” has turned out to be a valuable marker of both endurance and health.


The guidelines for returning to training after giving birth are “vague and inconsistent.” That’s no surprise.

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You won’t freeze your lungs exercising outdoors this winter, but there are reasons to be cautious about inhaling extremely cold air

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Want to ride like Pete Stetina? Learn how he and other top athletes use Wahoo’s latest tools and technology to achieve their goals—and how you can too.

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Fancy new midsole materials like PEBA make you faster, but at the cost of durability


While a light jog or quick weights session might help clear out lingering congestion, there are times when exercise might actually do your body (and others) more harm than good

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When to take cues from your body and rest, and when to treat soreness with pain relievers

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Joint health is a cornerstone of staying active as you age. Not sure how to work on it? Start with these seven expert tips.


To ward off cognitive decline, a new analysis suggests that strength matters more than how much muscle you have


People all over the place are creating outrageous unofficial athletic contests that are equal parts grueling and just plain silly. What’s going on?


The new science of skill acquisition can help coaches and athletes get more out of their workouts


News flash: All that data you’re mining may not be good for your health

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Scientists want to know why we don’t keep getting bigger and stronger forever


A new federal law, the Rodchenkov Act, has the potential to dramatically clean up international sports. A case involving a Texas doping ring illustrates how the new legislation works.


After two new marathon world records, it’s time to reevaluate why marathoners are getting faster and what comes next


Toss out the marathon prediction equations. Understanding what determines ultra performance takes a whole different approach.

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Watch how coach Lara Rogers helps women excel in professional running and pursue their wildest goals


All the digital training data in the world may not tell you whether your workout was any good


Replenish your energy and stay strong

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A rigorous new study finds small changes in heart rate and subjective feelings of recovery. Do they matter?

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A new study of athletic career trajectories finds that early success is less meaningful than you’d think


We often focus so much of our stretching on our legs, but athletes need to focus just as much time and energy on their upper body

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Researchers assess the potential benefits—and downsides—of the hundreds of bioactive compounds in your morning brew

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A trainer breaks down her go-to moves to maintain healthy hip abduction


When it comes to your recovery, you’re likely neglecting this section of your spine. Here’s how to offer it some relief.


Tramadol has a long history of suspected abuse among cyclists, and now there’s enough data to put it on WADA’s banned list

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It’s time to integrate these trainer-approved exercises into your recovery regimen

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When illness or injury forces you to take a complete break, researchers have some ideas on how to limit the fall-out

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Sports scientists weigh in on the trends that will keep the PRs coming


With these moves, you'll hit the slopes feeling strong and powerful

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Analyzing glucose data from endurance athletes offers new(ish) insights, with the potential of more to come


With no weights required, you can do this workout anywhere


They don’t necessarily save energy, but a new study suggests they might save your legs


To optimize your health or supercharge your training, you sometimes need to look beyond the lab


After seeing more and more people join in on this outdoor fitness craze, I decided to try it for 30 days

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There are both healthy and harmful ways to get away from it all, psychologists point out

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A high-tech approach called metabolomics offers a new perspective on how your body bounces back from 26.2 miles

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