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Love & Humor

Blair Braverman
I’ve asked him to return my skis three times, and I feel like I’m nagging him

Brendan Leonard, the author and illustrator behind the beloved Semi-Rad blog, explains his process


Before you take an ill-prepared trip to honor your loved one, consider looking for solace in your own backyard


According to the actor, everything can be solved with one more useful piece of outdoor equipment


Whether you’re writing your first book or telling a story around a campfire, here’s the secret to capturing your audience right from the start


We both miss stuffing everything into a backpack and hitting the road. But between diapers, changes of clothes, and a ton of other necessities, it’s just not that simple anymore.


I helped them get their foot in the door. Now it seems like they think they own the place, and it feels disrespectful.

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Kids change a lot of things—including how happy strangers are to see you (and your tiny passenger) biking by

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As her dad, I want to give her the space and privacy she needs, without making her feel like she should be embarrassed


Mayhem is an inevitable part of life. The real question is: How will you handle it?

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She’s mad at me because I took a wrong turn and she’s terrified of lightning. But I think she owes me an apology, too. 


Arbitrary goals are nonsensical. They also can be the source of great joy.

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He’s a regular customer where I work, and I’m new to the community 


Oh, you wanted to take a fun little trip to run a breezy 100K? Think again. This course is relentless, technical, and populated by nudists.


She seems too busy to hike right now, and I’m not sure whether to let our relationship fizzle out


She’s very active, and I’m worried that my schedule means she’s not getting enough exercise 


Mike Foote is a professional athlete. Brendan Leonard is a non-professional athlete. And he has some questions.


Adventures can provide fuel for romance, but only if you know how to take what you learned in the mountains back home


I still get outside for long days in the mountains, but my inner anxious voice saps my energy


Diehard football fans have something to teach trail runners, skimo racers, and other competitive athletes

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Our child is struggling with complicated mental health challenges, and we can’t get outside in the way we used to 


At its best, flying isn’t miserable. Here are 24 ways travel could be more fun—including, but not limited to, letting me fly the plane.

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How Pam Houston, the author of a timeless book about dating wild and adventurous men, helped me navigate romantic frustrations in a mountain town

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She didn’t mention it when we came back, and I’m not sure she noticed—do I have to bring it up? 


When you’ve spent umpteen hours crafting a museum-worthy cedar canoe, there’s just one thing left to do: bang the hell out of it while running a river through the heart of Los Angeles

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He just got into team sports for the first time, which is great, but he only seems to enjoy it when he wins.


We refuse to spend our hard-earned January on self-improvement. These are all the things we should probably quit doing—but definitely won’t.

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In the form of a handy little email, or a push notification, anything to remind me that I’m not heading too quickly toward the afterlife just yet

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I cherish this annual tradition and spend months looking forward to it, but I already know this one won’t be fun for me


We have finally discovered the secret to the elusive, perfect cup of joe


That backpack speaker and unsolicited gear advice might be ruining your chances of snagging a wintertime honey.

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Go ahead, pick one: to check in on, root for, and admire

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He often comes by unannounced while we’re working from home


Lessons in humility, humor, and preparedness from ice-covered sidewalks and trails


She’s become more restrictive with her own diet recently—now it feels like she wants to control mine, too


Both require self-motivation, incremental and attainable goals, and a whole lot of follow-through


When you’re plodding so slowly it feels like you're moving backwards, wouldn’t it be better to just... walk?


Brought to you by the internet-addled minds of our editors


I was having a health emergency and asked him to leave with me, but he insisted on staying put


A rural road relay offers the author a chance to return home and consider important questions, like: Who has the aux in the support van and where did they find this weird club track?


My wife and I have been supporting his training, but I don’t want him to learn the wrong lessons


A delightfully low-budget documentary about the Seven Summits (of a Montana neighborhood)


Isn’t it my responsibility to give him a reality check? 

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We may have botched the relationship reveal, but I care deeply about my friend and don’t want to lose him


Our Semi-Rad columnist recently entered fatherhood, a transition that has him wondering if his two personalities—alpine athlete and regular dad—can peacefully coexist


We first connected over a love of riding bikes—is it possible for us to find a compromise here?

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Three life lessons from a teenage make-out over a bonfire

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I’m an experienced solo backpacker, but she’s a marathoner and a natural athlete

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Do I like planks any more than I did at the start of this challenge? Ehhh...


She’s always asking me to volunteer in our community. I wish I could help, but I have a busy job and two young kids. 


Feeling out of shape? Maybe you should run up and down a mountain three times.

Sponsor Content: Bear Naked

We posed your top questions to our resident outdoor nudist funhog


The lesbian lumberjack of the internet started chopping wood on TikTok as a joke. But in the process she became the role model her younger self had always wanted.


These humble blue straps may have been designed for rafting, but their utility is (almost) as limitless as your imagination


There are two types of mountain athletes in the world


Plus, what to do if your off-leash dog is making someone anxious


We have lots of fun when things go smoothly, but he gets in terrible moods if they don’t


Lots of people struggle to find new friends for outdoor activities. But taking initiative (and acknowledging your awkwardness) goes a long way.

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We bet you've never heard of some of these dog breeds


No commands, rules, or directives here. Just a gentle nudge towards something truly lovely.


Maybe you should start writing a little something about your run, too

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I think he’s overreacting, and it feels embarrassing 


The controversial late fashion designer will be honored at the 2023 Met Gala tonight

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Whether they’re for yourself or for someone else, here are some tips for taking NSFW photos in nature

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Some experiences are unforgettable for both very bad and very good reasons


In her podcast, ‘FOGO: Fear of Going Outside,’ Ivy Le takes on the great outdoors—very, very reluctantly

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My sport is a huge part of my identity, but I’m not as good as I hoped I’d be. What if this is my peak? 


An argument in favor of catching sunrises, running errands, and talking with your friends face-to-face

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5 tips to help you feel less critical and embrace your body


We let dogs out to run. We should do the same for ourselves.

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He’s a big fan of survival shows, and I have a hunch he’s trying to recreate one on our trips


I used to be the life of the party, but now I’m having trouble meeting people


Meditations on radical incrementalism for the adventurer

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Is it insomnia, or is it a tireless love for being awake?

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Our difference in perspective is causing tension as we plan the next big adventure


When Leo Babler was born with a rare and deadly genetic disorder, his parents reshaped their lives, moving to the mountains, building out an adventure van, and making sure their son experienced the most beautiful wild places in the country during the time they had

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What do you do when the mind wants to heal but the body has other ideas?

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I want to add a storage unit, but he says it will sully the view


Surely you’ve tried champagne flutes before?
