Former UFC Fighter Darren Till Involved In In-Ring Brawl After Fight

Former UFC fighter Darren Till was involved in his own fireworks spectacle this July 4th weekend when he suddenly found himself in a post-fight brawl inside a boxing ring!

In another perfect example of why pseudo-boxing fights have gone way beyond their initial welcome, Till made his boxing debut in something called Social Knockout 3 against an overseas MMA fighter named Mohammad Mutie. 

What could possibly go wrong, you may ask? Well, everything. 



During the second round of the fight, Till - who has spent his entire career in MMA and not boxing until recent training sessions, hit Mutie with a punch to the back of the head - also known as a ‘rabbit punch.' Although it appeared to just be a minor flub, Mutie claimed that he was hurt and demanded the referee and doctor check on him before the fight was ultimately called with Till winning by TKO.

However, it appears that Mutie may not have known the boxing match rules and may have mistakenly thought that being ‘injured’ by the questionable punch would result in him actually winning.

Because immediately after learning he lost, Mutie got up and tried attacking Darren Till! And shockingly, he didn't look the least bit hurt - imagine that!


The result was a straight-up brawl inside the boxing ring with all sorts of people running in and both fighters actually landing a couple hits on each other - including Mutie who doesn't have nearly as much MMA experience as Till, taking him down with a leg kick which UFC fans were ripping Till about on socials. 

"This is fighting, and you get hit," Till told reporters afterwards as he defended his rabbit punch. "If you don’t want to continue fighting, don’t fight. He’s not a fighter. He’s trying to be a fighter. He’s a coward. Then, when I’m minding my own business he comes and attacks me."

In the end, Till would get the TKO victory but may have taken the L with his reputation. As I've written about countless times, the pseudo-boxing matches have become straight up LAME and embarrassing. What was once a "must-see" curious spectacle has become a sad s***show. 

As a fight fan myself and someone who has covered combat sports for years, the only fight I'm even remotely interested in is the upcoming Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson boxing match simply because I want to see what 58-year-old Tyson has left in him. That fight was originally scheduled for July 20th and actually had Darren Till in the undercard before it was postponed due to an injury Iron Mike sustained during training.

It has now been rescheduled to Friday, November 15th exclusively on Netflix. 

After that, hopefully these wannabe boxers realize that everyone is laughing at them - that is, if they're even bothering to tune into the fight in the first place.