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Letters to the Editor |
Letters: Supreme Court’s new low | Biden wasn’t ready to debate | Biden must come clean

Gary Roush, of College Park, Md., protests outside of the Supreme Court, July 1, 2024. The court ruled on Monday that former President Donald Trump is entitled to some level of immunity from prosecution, a decision that may effectively delay the trial of the case against him on charges of plotting to subvert the 2020 election. (Jacquelyn Martin/The Associated Press)
Gary Roush, of College Park, Md., protests outside of the Supreme Court, July 1, 2024. The court ruled on Monday that former President Donald Trump is entitled to some level of immunity from prosecution, a decision that may effectively delay the trial of the case against him on charges of plotting to subvert the 2020 election. (Jacquelyn Martin/The Associated Press)

Supreme Court hits a new low

The Supreme Court has hit a new low in their efforts to protect and defend Donald Trump from prosecution. They have spit on the Founding Fathers and the rule of law. They have left this country open to all forms of authoritarian abuse by Trump if he is elected President. If Joe Biden is actually as bad as the Republicans say he is, he would arrest Donald Trump and his Republican boot-lickers today as well as disbanding the Supreme Court. But he is not Donald Trump and will leave it to the will of the people.

It is up to the voters to see what is at stake in this election. Look at what Trump says he wants to do. Read the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 which will be his blueprint. The Republicans will go along with anything he wants and not blink. You will lose your rights — especially women, minorities of all sorts, the working class and anyone who believes in free speech. People need to register to vote and actually vote in November.

Kenneth Dugan Davenport

Biden’s handlers unprepared for debate circus

You knew your boss was going to a dance, so you prepared him to waltz. Your opponent was also going to a “dance;” however, his was a different dance. A street brawl. Before your boss could match dance steps to the music, his opponent was already kicking him in the groin and throwing rabbit punches.

Biden’s debate performance spurs Democratic panic about his ability to lead party against Trump

What were you thinking? You knew all along that the dance was going to be a fight and you failed your boss. You should stand before him, your co-workers and the country and apologize. It was your fault that Biden sat there stunned and looked stunned while tens of millions of people watched him get pummeled on TV.

Why did you prepare for a debate knowing it was going to be a clown circus? You could have prepared Biden to be the straight man teasing the clown. Maybe you could have had Biden hold up his hands counting with his fingers, one finger per lie. Non-verbal facial expressions of glee and mirth while his opponent was throwing hyperbolic lie bombs. With microphone turned on, he could then chuckle and say he couldn’t count fast enough to keep up with the lying. My parrot has a larger vocabulary than Trump so it would be easy to find six or eight Trumpisms for Biden to have fun with to fill the time.

Apologize today and prepare for the next clown circus. With the Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity, you cannot fail our country.

Greg Gensheimer Montverde

Biden must be honest about health

President Biden needs to be forthright with the American people. He must share the honest truth about health issues that are sparking intense debate. If he reveals unknown information and steps aside, he will garner widespread support and sympathy from the public. This will not only boost his popularity but also invigorate the entire Democratic Party. This is the true way to turn lemons into lemonade.

The nation urgently needs change. Republicans who oppose Trump and non-affiliated voters need an alternative. President Biden is unlikely to secure their votes. Only staunch Democrats will vote for a good man who may be struggling with health issues. Young voters, who were already disenchanted, may have had their reluctance to vote solidified by the debate disaster. As things stand now, I believe Trump will win in a landslide.

President Biden must acknowledge any limitations publicly. I believe his withdrawal from the race is the only path to potentially saving the free world. He can turn his debate performance into an asset by using it to demonstrate his integrity. President Biden, it’s time to make that lemonade.

Bill DeBusk West Melbourne

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