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SEE IT: Two young girls dropped off 14-foot border wall by smugglers, rescued by Border Patrol


U.S. Border Patrol agents rescued two young girls Tuesday night after smugglers dropped them from the border wall and into New Mexico.

An agent at the Santa Teresa Border Patrol Station spotted two smugglers dropping the girls, one 5, the other 3, from the 14-foot wall, then fleeing, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection Wednesday.

Grainy video shows one of the smugglers straddling the wall and dropping the first girl over the ledge, where she lands face-first on the ground below. The other girl lands on her behind and the smugglers can be seen tossing another item over the wall, then heading back onto the Mexican side of the border and running away.

Agents located the girls, later determined to be sisters from Ecuador, and took them to Santa Teresa Border Patrol Station for evaluation. They were hospitalized for “precautionary reasons and further evaluation,” then released and taken to Border Patrol’s “temporary holding.”

“I’m appalled by the way these smugglers viciously dropped innocent children from a 14-foot border barrier last night. If not for the vigilance of our Agents using mobile technology, these two tender-aged siblings would have been exposed to the harsh elements of desert environment for hours,” El Paso Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gloria Chavez said in a statement.

“We are currently working with our law enforcement partners in Mexico and attempting to identify these ruthless human smugglers so as to hold them accountable to the fullest extent of the law.”

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