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General Daily Insight for April 1, 2021

We are not much in the mood for practical jokes this April Fools’ Day. The Moon in Sagittarius shows its serious side as it makes harmonious aspects in the morning with both wounded Chiron and somber Saturn. By maintaining our focus and responsibility, though, we can make calm and determined progress toward addressing whatever has been troubling us. Then, when the Moon reaches its healing trine with the Sun at 10:46 pm EDT, we’ll feel more relaxed and on track.

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March 21-April 19

Your vibrant personality is on display with the Sun in your sign, but you might feel that your personal wounds have been more visible lately as well. While the Moon illuminates and activates your philosophical side today, it’s a good time to get some perspective on those wounds and how they fit into your larger view of your life. You may also find that contact with your community, even if it is just through social media, helps you stay grounded.


April 20-May 20

This could be an intense day for you, Taurus, as circumstances push you to look at your hidden wounds. These wounds may have to do with feeling like you were let down by a significant authority figure in your past, like a parent, boss, or mentor. Today, however, you can get the support you need from the superiors and role models who are relevant to you now. You might even be one yourself. You cannot change your past, but you can move empowered into your future.


May 21-June 20

You love having a lot of people in your life, but it can be hard when they need more than lighthearted fun from you. Today, you may find that a close relationship is pushing you to clarify your view of the world. When your big ideas conflict with the needs of an actual person you care about, you may have to decide whose side you are on. No matter what you choose, though, it may be impossible to make everybody happy.


June 21-July 22

You can finally make some progress today on whatever bureaucratic snarl has had you bogged down for a while; you are well-equipped to cut through the red tape on taxes, insurance, shared property, and more. Your natural Cancer sensitivity will also help you navigate the emotional undercurrents that are making things more complicated than they need to be. You may even discover that a boss or other authority figure who seems to be hurting you or others has actually been hurt themselves, providing some perspective on the situation.


July 23-August 22

Some important relationships in your life have become more serious than they used to be, and you are suddenly aware of how heavy things feel. You are also a little worried about losing yourself. Today, the universe asks you to figure out how to get your sense of fun back. You might have to take some time alone to think through all the things in your life that have changed in the past few months. How can you make room for what is new and still be you?


August 23-September 22

Some of the shared responsibilities in your life might not truly be shared. Something may happen at home today that feels like the last straw, but keep in mind that you are not just upset about what is happening in that moment — you have a much larger feeling that everything is all on you and that others are not pulling their weight. It can be hard to ask for help, but that is the only way you will get help.


September 23-October 22

It has been hard to have fun lately … it feels like everything has become too serious, especially your relationships. Today, you can at least relieve some of the tension by talking things out. It still probably will not be a party, but you will at least feel like others are willing to work with you in a constructive way. To get them definitively on your side, however, you may have to get better at articulating where you personally stand. Know how you feel before you speak up.


October 23-November 21

You have been pushed to be responsible lately, especially with heavy stuff like family, health, and work issues. Today, however, you might have a financial breakthrough that lightens some of your other burdens. It could be as simple as taking another look at the resources you already have, because sometimes money hides in plain sight. You have enough sense to not do anything frivolous with your modest newfound gain, but it feels good to finally have something go your way.


November 22-December 21

Your emotional side is on display with the Moon entering in your sign today. Lately, you may have been feeling like you need to restrict what you say and how you express yourself in order to avoid causing trouble. Today, though, whatever you have been holding back might come out whether you want it to or not. You are capable of cleaning up a mess if it comes to that, but chances are, the reception will turn out to be more understanding than you expect.


December 22-January 19

This is a day to look within and get insight on what is really preventing you from achieving your financial goals. Your ability to root out hidden forms of self-sabotage is stronger than usual today. Still, tension at home may distract you from this task, as spontaneous disruptions arise and upend your carefully organized routine. The answer to your problem, however, may turn out to involve becoming just a little more spontaneous. Sometimes, the right path is not the planned one.


January 20-February 18

In many ways you have been refining your identity over the past several months, and changes may have been brewing in private even longer than that. Now, your larger circle of acquaintances will get to meet the new you. Some might be surprised and you might even get a few tactless responses, but most people will follow your lead. It’s hard not to be vulnerable about this kind of change, but if you can maintain some level of confidence while being vulnerable, that will help.


February 19-March 20

Career dynamics are highlighted for you today, especially surrounding authority figures. The person who is holding you back from the money you feel you deserve may not be your current boss. Normally, your intuition about things like this is strong, but it has been challenged lately, so you might have to try something outside your regular routine to recharge your capacity for insight. Going for a long walk or drive could give the space you need for a fresh perspective.

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