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Gili Goldenberg

Age: 17

School: Olympic Heights High School in Boca Raton

Grade: 12

Hometown: Boca Raton

Trait: Citizenship

Moving to Boca Raton from Israel, Gili Goldenberg was faced with a new culture and learning a new language. Starting a new life was not easy and some tears were shed. But Gili refused to give up. She concentrated on improving her English, getting good grades, making the cheerleading team, motivating classmates and giving back to the community.

“I feel proud that I know that I tried my best and made it,” she says. “My motto in life is to never give up! If I can dream it, I can do it. Nothing is impossible and the sky is the limit for me.”

Amanda Farrell, school counselor: Gili Goldenberg is an ESOL student who came from Israel during her junior year of high school. She knew very limited English, but that did not stop her. She was determined to do well in her classes, learn English and be successful. Gili has worked very hard meeting with her teachers and striving for the best possible education. She truly has a passion for learning, which makes her an exemplary student. She always goes above and beyond in her classwork and when she is unsure, she does not hesitate to ask questions. She showed her fellow ESOL peers how a leader shines, giving them the encouragement that they too can be successful.

Gili has devoted her free time to working with ESE students in our school, specifically a young female who is involved in Special Olympics. Gili helped her peer gain confidence by teaching her cheerleading cheers, chants, routines and jumps out of the kindness of her heart. She went above and beyond to make sure this student felt comfortable in her surroundings by inviting her to make friends with her social group and including her in any events she attended within and out of school.

Ella and Zeev Goldenberg, parents: Gili joined the scouts in Israel, where she learned about leadership and the importance of volunteering in the community. Since we got here, we saw how much these traits have helped her move forward and reach to where she is today.

The first few months here were very difficult for Gili. New country, new language and another mentality than in Israel. Gili invested in learning the language in school and was able to achieve high grades and be a student aide in history and math. When Gili made the cheerleading team at the school it’s like her dream came true, and for us, too. We knew that her traits helped her to be the captain. She tried throughout the year to consolidate the girls, be attentive and lead the team to achievement and improvement. Volunteering is also a very important issue for her. When the coach asked if she could volunteer and teach a girl with special needs the cheers, Gili said without any doubt that she would do it.

Gili wants to go to business school and become a marketing manager in the future. Gili learned a lot about management and leadership from the family because we are working in management. We always told our children that the “sky is the limit” and if you dream big dreams, you will achieve them.

Gili Goldenberg: I moved with my family to Boca Raton from Israel a year and a half ago. The fear of moving to another country with a new language and a new culture was very difficult for me. To start a new life was not easy. I remember my first day at Olympic Heights. Everything looked different for me and weird. Even the English that I came with wasn’t good enough. I will never forget when I came home after school and started to cry like a baby. I told my parents that I’m not going to stay here. My parents told me that it’s only the first day and it will be better soon.

For me, it was two choices: Give up, or take things seriously and start to focus on and practice my English, and learn more about American culture and be part of that. The tools I brought with me from home gave me the opportunity for success. The success was when I passed the FCAT test, when I made the cheerleading team and when I was picked to be the captain of the JV team.

I was also happy to have the opportunity to continue contributing to the community, like I used to do in my country. My parents also motive me. They always support me in everything I do in my life.

-Beth Feinstein-Bartl

Originally Published: