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Peyton Santiago

Age: 13

School: Okeeheelee Middle School in Greenacres

Grade: Eighth

Hometown: Royal Palm Beach

Trait: Responsibility

Taking charge of a showcase after her drama teacher fell ill is one of many tasks that place Peyton Santiago in the spotlight as a responsible student leader.

“I love theater,” Peyton says. “I knew my teacher needed someone to step up and be there for her and my classmates.”

Isabel Parrado, school counselor, and Margarita Santana, drama teacher: Peyton is a dependable and responsible young lady who has exemplified her dedication to helping others and has made it an art form by undertaking any task that allows her to demonstrate how responsible she is. Her organizational skills, along with her leadership style, allows teachers to rely on her and trust her.

Margarita Santana: Peyton, on several occasions has served as stage manager, acting as a direct link between teacher, actors and what is needed in a performance as a whole. During a brief absence and illness I had, Peyton took charge of the monologue showcase presentation and competition by herself. She took it upon herself to lead the peer actors to perform, organize all the performances, set the stage and ultimately run the show. The grace and high level of self-assurance and responsibility exhibited impressed not only myself, but our staff and principal as well. Her peers agreed with me when they elected Peyton as president of the Thespian Junior Honor Society, Troupe 88222. In that role, she leads the thespians in competition and, together, they have earned excellent and superior ratings at both district and state level festivals.

Dolores and Nelson Santiago, parents: Peyton has always been of strong character. Theater has always been a passion for her and her training has led her to where she is today. Because theater has been such a prominent part of her life, it has taught her to be able to take command, demand attention and be a strong presence in her daily life.

She has experienced many drama teachers in her life and has seen what it takes to run a class and put on a performance. Her peers are aware of this and respect and love her. She is kind and caring and has an amazing sense of humor. She was also elected president of this student body and of the thespian junior honor society. We think that speaks volumes of her determination and character. The responsibility she showed during the months that led up to the fine arts night was inspiring. She handled it with maturity and a strength we have never seen before. She made a decision that her teacher and her peers needed a leader and she assumed the position. She has blossomed to be a strong leader and role model. She will, without a doubt, continue to use her talents and character to do great things in the future.

Peyton Santiago: I stepped up and took over while my drama teacher was out sick. Our advanced drama class was performing in the fine arts night at our school and I decided that the show must go on. I worked with each classmate, giving notes as our teacher would do and urged them to be their best. I made a PowerPoint presentation for parents, set up the lights and the stage, and made a running list of who would perform and when.

I was motivated to do these things because I have been involved in theater for seven years and I know what it takes to put on a show. I have worked with many teachers and felt the need to step up and help. My teacher was in a bad situation and needed me. I was a little surprised at how well my classmates reacted to my leadership. They cooperated and a few stayed after school to help. We put on a great show.

After helping Mrs. Santana with the show, I felt accomplished and very proud of what I found out I was capable of. I wasn’t sure, at first, but I knew something had to be done. I felt like I was channeling my teachers, past and present. I knew then that I could do anything I set my mind to. It felt amazing to help and succeed.

When the show was over many students and staff, including the principal, came to congratulate me. They were amazed a 13-year-old could take over, and with the help of other students, pull it off. My family was also impressed. Shortly after, I was nominated by my peers and elected president of the thespian junior honor society. I was honored to be chosen among so many great classmates. I felt that this impacted others because we were able to put on a great show without a hitch and everyone enjoyed it. I feel empowered to continue this kind of work.

-Beth Feinstein-Bartl

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