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Noah Towbin

Age: 14

School: Olympic Heights High School in Boca Raton

Grade: Ninth

Hometown: Delray Beach

Trait: Citizenship

Noah Towbin displays a passion for learning and an eagerness to tackle any challenges that might come across his path. His strong character traits haven’t gone unnoticed by his peers, who look to him for advice and help.

“I simply enjoy helping others,” Noah says. “It gives me great satisfaction to assist those around me and contribute to society in a fulfilling and worthwhile manner.”

Larry Korn, science teacher: Noah possesses the character of a model student. His passion for learning is second to none, along with his teamwork during class projects. He helps other classmates during activities and is not afraid of the challenges before him. Noah is a freshman and has the maturity level of a senior classman. Many students look up to Noah for advice and help with their work in class. He will make a great leader because of his compassion for others and the character that he represents.

Deena and Bradley Towbin, parents: Our son has a tendency to demonstrate these traits because he enjoys helping others. We have taught him well, but now he is moving past our teachings to a whole new level of character. Although he tends to demonstrate these traits when someone needs help, this parameter is a mere guideline for Noah. There is no situation that we could possibly concoct in which our son would not go out of his way to be an admirable person.

We are not surprised that our son performs these deeds and acts in the manner that he does. From the time when he began to interact with those around him, we imbued him with a sense of responsibility for his actions and the utmost respect for everyone. Noah is a truly magnificent child who aims to make those that he cares about smile. He wants to make a difference in the lives of others.

Noah Towbin: The character traits that I show on a daily basis – trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, caring, fairness, and citizenship – are ideals that I meet to better others around me. I feel pride and a strong sense of self-worth after lending someone a hand or showing respect to an elder. In school or at my residence, I show these traits to improve the lives and surroundings of the people who are close to me.

When I first started acting in the manner that I currently do, I was driven to be kind and respectful by the way people reacted. Seeing someone smile or succeed at whatever I helped them with is always payment enough. When it really comes down to it, I would have to say that my basic motivation is my intrinsic tendency to see others positively react to the way that I treat them. I love to see positive reactions from the people I interact with. Doing good deeds is a surefire way to boost my attitude and make me feel like I made a difference.

I believe the other students that attend my high school appreciate what I do for them. When I exhibit outstanding character to them by giving a helping hand or making sure they are all right, my friends always seem thankful. No matter if I am at school or relaxing at home, I will never refrain from giving my peers and family members the respect and aid that they deserve.

-Beth Feinstein-Bartl

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