It's great to have a day to be celebrated by your family for everything you do all year round, but what are you doing for yourself?
Instead of writing to your daughter or son this year about artful ways they could shower you with love on Mother's Day, I wanted to write to you, from one mother to another mother because I'm thinking about it a little bit differently than I have in the past. Maybe it's because my "baby" has grown up and is away at college, maybe it's because my nest is empty or maybe it's just because.

First, don't worry, I know you will be showered with love and great stuff on Mother's Day by your kids because you deserve it and you are loved. But, something changed this year, and instead of wanting to be appreciated for being a great mom, I feel totally appreciative to have had the opportunity to be a mom.

Don't get me wrong, I love a thoughtful gift. I love when my daughter writes me a poem, makes me a card, bakes me a cake, e-mails me, washes my car or sends me flowers, all to say how much she loves me on Mother's Day. But, truth be told, I love being her mom most of all.

I can't think of one other thing I do that even begins to compare to the joy I feel as a mom. The job is a labor of love. There are days that are painful and test you for sure, and then there are those glorious days where you pass with flying colors.

Next: What motherhood really means


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