Oklahoma brothers celebrate the commitment and sacrifice they made to their country

Marshall and Michael Dunnam, from right here in Oklahoma City and Pauls Valley, made it a point to serve their country
Marshall and Michael Dunnam, from right here in Oklahoma City and Pauls Valley, made it a point to serve their country
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One of the core values in Oklahoma is family, and one pair of brothers got to celebrate this in a way unlike any other while celebrating the commitment and sacrifice both made to their country.

Marshall and Michael Dunnam, from right here in Oklahoma City and Pauls Valley, made it a point to serve their country

“My twin brother Michael was in the Marine Corps in 1967. He was in Vietnam and I went over in 1968 when he came back,” Marshall said.

Neither one of them have a shortage of stories about their service.

"May 9, 1968, we got overrun by the Viet Cong and lost 13 of our soldiers there and it was a rough time," Marshall said.

The Dunnams always make it a point to stick together and spend time together.

"It's been really special because our other special moments we made three championship football games for the Big 12 and we won all three of those and this is even more special," Michael said.

With Michael’s two sons as their guardians, the Dunnams were able to come to the country's capital and pay tribute as a family, remembering what makes the bond between fellow soldiers unlike any other.

"We fought together, we lived together, we died together and we hurt together," Michael said. "But one of the main things is when we came home we helped one another because when we came home a lot of people had issues and we wanted to help each other."

These two soldiers admit they fought for hope... not just for the present.

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"Everywhere you look, it's because of the soldier because he fought and died for this and that’s the reason we have this," Marshall said.

But also for the future.

"It takes us all working together to make it happen and the youth of today are going to be the men of tomorrow. The young ladies of today are going to be the older ladies of tomorrow we need to work together," Michael said.

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