Submit Guest Post

Are you interested in censorship? Freedom to read? Privacy? Access to accurate information? Are you an exceptional writer? Creative? Engaging? Do you know how to balance text with graphics and hyperlinks? Then we’re looking for YOU!

The Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) is seeking original, engaging content on a variety of topics that impact librarians and readers. Anyone is invited to submit content for editorial consideration to the Intellectual Freedom Blog. Blog content is reviewed by OIF staff based on 1) blog topic 2) author expertise in the topic and 3) writing quality. Priority is given to timely, current, and relevant news or topical issues or themes.

OIF retains the right to edit submissions for length, accuracy, grammar, and formatting or to add “editor’s notes” at the time of publication. When possible, OIF will consult with the contributor before publication.

Submitting content for consideration does not guarantee publication on the Intellectual Freedom Blog. Guest contributors are encouraged to contact OIF with questions or content pitches ( The Intellectual Freedom Blog publishes a variety of content. Here are a few content ideas: description/analysis of current material challenges, interviews, historical essays, book reviews, coverage of intellectual freedom anniversaries, programming tips, examples of policies, descriptions of frontline experiences, Q&As, exploration of trends, and reviews of best practices.

Occasionally a post will be considered for publication in the Choose Privacy Every Day blog or the Journal for Intellectual Freedom and Privacy. OIF will consult with the contributor or blogger before publication if OIF is considering publishing the content in an alternative publication.

Following submission of a guest post, OIF staff will review the content and notify you within a few days of the status. Editorial collaboration will take place on a Google Doc that will be emailed to you if your submission is accepted.

OIF staff will aim to preserve individual writing style and preferences but may edit submissions for length, accuracy, grammar, and formatting. Content that is focused on privacy issues may be published in the Choose Privacy Every Day blog. OIF staff will include a comment on the Google Doc if they think the content would be suitable for the privacy blog.

Staff may share the guest post on OIF or ALA social media channels. Posts may be included in the Intellectual Freedom News or American Libraries Direct.

[updated January 2019]