Blogger Application

The Intellectual Freedom Blog is seeking regular bloggers to craft twelve, high quality, original posts for one year highlighting news items, sharing resources, and modeling best practices in intellectual freedom areas. In addition, the blog’s purpose includes promoting the value of libraries, librarians, and professional membership in the American Library Association.

Every quarter ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom will recirculate the call for fresh, diverse voices to join our blog team.

  • Each writer must commit to one year as a volunteer blogger
  • Bloggers should have some writing experience and be competent with Google Docs
  • Bloggers must be ALA members and agree to the Intellectual Freedom Blog Policy & Purpose
  • Posts are typically 400-800 words
  • Include 2-3 high-quality images
  • Content must be original (i.e. article is not published elsewhere)
  • Annual thank-you gift
  • Exposure to 800 subscribers and 12,000 monthly views
  • Professional recognition, letters of recommendation, or LinkedIn recommendations 
  • Networking with other intellectual freedom member groups 

Applicants are asked to send a sample blog post and a brief note describing their job and their interest in blogging for the Intellectual Freedom Blog.

When selecting Intellectual Freedom Bloggers we consider: 
  • Diversity of race/ethnicity/sexual orientation/ability/gender identity
  • Voices from a range of institutions and experience
  • Clear and compelling writing style
  • Connection between day-to-day work and bigger conversations around theory, practice, equity, ethics, and society
  • Alignment with ALA’s core values and Code of Ethics