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I’m an independent who hasn’t voted for either candidate. After watching the debate my concerns aren’t whether Biden should run for another four years but if he should be allowed to finish his current term. His cognitive decline is obvious and very concerning now that we are involved in two wars with nuclear opponents. What was evident is that Biden is in fact the person who Special Counsel Hur described in February as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” If democracy is truly at stake, then he is not the leader to fight that battle.

— Charles Bogner, Corona del Mar


Disastrous debate

The Biden/Trump debate was a disaster on so many levels. Joe came across horribly and Trump lied his butt off while also refusing to answer important questions! We deserve better as a country and shouldn’t be forced to vote for either candidate. The only way debates in the future can be considered legitimate is if we have live fact checking running across the screen so the American public can know what is true or a lie instead of being fed misinformation so we can make decisions based on facts!

— R. Lazarus, Anaheim Hills


The debate surprised many

The most shocking thing about the presidential debate was not Joe Biden’s abysmal performance, it’s that so many people were surprised by it.  Legacy and social media have been covering up for Biden for years, but now that his deficiencies have been exposed for all to see, my recommendation for anyone who was seeing this for the first time is to change your sources of news and become better informed. Especially if you vote.

— Jeff Thomas, Irvine


Biden is not in charge

Dishonesty has consequences. Joe Biden has never been in charge. Policy decisions are being made by a group of unnamed members of Biden’s staff. This has been going on for almost four years. We all know this and it is nothing new. The media and the White House have been lying to us the whole time and now are acting shocked and stunned by Joe Biden’s sad performance. In the meantime, the unnamed sent old Joe out the next day full of vim and vigor to tell the world he’s still in charge and raring to go. This fooled no one; even Joe Biden can read from a teleprompter.

— Rodger Clarke, Santa Ana

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