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Trump if he’s cool

It should be a slam dunk that Trump will win the debate. If Biden or any presidential candidate has to spend a week preparing for the debate doing prep work he or she is not ready to be president.

I will be watching to see if Biden can last 90 minutes on his feet and trying to figure out what they gave him if he does. My bet is four large cans of Red Bull.

— Len Musgrave, Orange


Biden/Trump debate

This debate will not be a debate at all. It’ll be an orchestrated event, devised by CNN and the Democratic Party to resemble a debate. It will be a biased one-sided event led by two liberal progressive talk show hosts who will aim to embarrass Trump and promote Biden. Either may win. But one important question needs to be asked. Why won’t Joe Biden take a drug test before this event to ensure he’s not on performance-enhancing drugs? Trump has offered to be tested, why not Biden? I think we know the answer.

— John Pherrin Sr., Lake Forest


The pundits will win

Unless there is a major meltdown, the spin-masters will have a field day as usual. There is no objective criterion to measure a winner or loser. Nor is there a way to ensure that questions are fairly presented on the issues as perceived by the everyday American. I would prefer a format with one liberal and one conservative moderator. Think CNN and Fox. The liberal asks Trump questions and the conservative asks Biden questions. Neither knows the other questions. Since they both have records to defend, only this way would Biden get challenged on the border, inflation, crime and foreign policy and Trump on abortion, DEI, democracy, etc. Personally, I’ll be trying to look for fairness in the allocation of questions on these issues as well as the answers.

— Mike Lach, Irvine


I can’t say who will be the winner but losers are clear

But the losers are the American people. RFK Jr.’s points of view will not be heard nor any other political parties’. I give a grade of incomplete to the debate to allow voters to hear, gauge and make a fully informed decision.

— Tom Hersh, Newport Beach


Originally Published: