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The editorial June 21 on the ‘J6’ con was remarkable! Astounding, really! So many positive truths in that summary! I can hardly wait to read the responses from those who believe otherwise. My wish is that the MAGA wingnuts will chew up and digest this healthy dose of reality. Democracy is depending on all of us.

— Lynn Petroff, Temecula


The ‘J6’ con

Re “The con at the heart of the ‘J6’ cynical spin” (June 21):

The newspaper points out that of the 60 courts before which claims of 2020 election wrongdoing were taken, “not a single one found that there was fraud.” This is true, however, you also admit that these cases were “rejected,” that is not adjudicated due to technical issues of standing. One cannot point to 60 cases the courts refused to hear as evidence there was nothing to hear. Newspapers likewise refuse to address the evidence and arguments of critics of the 2020 election, being satisfied with labeling them as “false” or “debunked” without a second look. Just who is conning whom?

— Russ Neal, Huntington Beach


‘J6’ cynical spin

Another look minus bias and omissions. Trump: “Now peacefully go protest at the Capitol.” Trump requested the National Guard at the Capitol from Nancy Pelosi but she and the mayor denied it. Trump had been Muellered, two impeachments, saw at least the same video I saw of ballots being pulled from suitcases after crews were sent home by a “flooding” toilet and he already left. Videos of men in MAGA hats urging people to enter with the crowd yelling “Fed” as they stand and peacefully wait.  The only death, an unarmed female vet killed by a Capitol police officer who was never tried but exonerated by his superiors. Joe Biden and Uhr anyone? No mention of the shock grenades pitched by Capitol guards or of the hours of videos of peaceful protesters ushered around in the Capitol before those grenades. No mention of what would have happened to protesters had they decided on not guilty as many still sit in prison awaiting trial. Much more available.

— Vance Frederick, Long Beach


The con about Jan. 6

Just wanted to compliment you on the “J6” editorial. It was well thought out, well researched and very well written. Well done!

— Carl J. Doerksen, Mission Viejo


Originally Published: