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The Orange County Health Care Agency reported 75 newly confirmed cases of the coronavirus as of Tuesday, May 19, increasing the total cases reported to 4,500 in Orange County.

There were no new deaths reported over the last day, keeping the total number of people in Orange County who have died of the virus at 88.

Of the 4,500 confirmed cases, 513 were residents in skilled nursing facilities and 350 were Orange County Jail inmates.

With 24 of 25 hospitals reporting, there were 229 people in Orange County hospitalized by the coronavirus, with 86 in intensive care units.

Another 115 tests for the coronavirus were given in the last day, bringing the cumulative testing total to 83,046 in the county of 3.2 million people.

The county report said at least 115 tests for the coronavirus has been given in the last day but had a footnote there was a technical issue and that number was under reported.

The county’s breakdown of deaths by age is as follows:

  • 85 and older: 24% (21)
  • 75-84: 32% (28)
  • 65-74: 16% (14)
  • 55-64: 13% (11)
  • 45-54: 9% (8)
  • 35-44: 5% (4)
  • 25-34: 2% (2)
  • 24 and younger: 0

Of the total deaths, 23 were people living in skilled nursing facilities.

The county sometimes revises a previous day’s numbers the following day, so day-to-day comparisons of the figures may not always add up.

Originally Published: