Our Financials

Operation Blessing is a nonprofit, humanitarian organization dedicated to partnering with YOU to demonstrate God’s love by alleviating human suffering in the U.S. and around the world. For more than 40 years, your love has shown through OB as together we’ve provided hunger relief, medical care, clean water and disaster relief to millions around the world. Through compassionate, efficient, and locally-focused programs we are able to target the specific needs of those we serve and provide a gateway for our partners to truly be the hands and feet of Jesus for those who are suffering and in need.

Audit Information & Financial Accountability

Independent Auditing – Operation Blessing is audited annually by KPMG, LLP. Audits are available upon request.

Internal Auditing – Receiving agencies are held to specific standards of use and record maintenance that honors the integrity of the donation.

IRS Registration – Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corporation is a 501(c)(3) organization registered with the United States Internal Revenue Service. Our IRS exemption was received on October 21, 1987.