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illustration of a brown dog leash on an orange background
Illustration: Sarah MacReading

Gear and Tips to Help Your New Pet Feel at Home

Bringing home a new pet is a big change for a new owner, and doubly so for the pet. Having the right stuff prior to pickup can ease the transition for all parties. For advice on where to start with a cat or dog, we turned to Wirecutter staff writer and pets expert Kaitlyn Wells. In addition to testing dozens of toys, tools, and accessories with the help of her 9-year-old cat and 1-year-old dog, Wells has spoken with veterinarians, trainers, and animal behaviorists in her quest to find the best pet care gear.

Make them feel at home

Whether a new pet comes from a shelter, breeder, or store, its new surroundings can be a shock. To create some sense of familiarity from the outset, Wells recommends asking the previous caretakers what the pet is accustomed to and replicating that in your home. For cats, that may mean choosing the right kitty litter: Shelters tend to offer both clay-based and biodegradable, plant-based litter, and many cats show a preference. Also start with a litter box that’s a similar shape and style to the one they’re used to—experimenting with nontraditional designs or self-cleaning options can come later.

A brown dog lays on a big fluffy dog bed sitting on a wood floor.
A cozy dog bed gives your pup a place of its own to relax. Photo: Nick Guy

Dogs aren’t so picky about their waste management (any bag will do—although our human testers appreciated the thickness and value of AmazonBasics dog waste bags), but a familiar toy can make a big difference. Upon bringing her pup home for the first time, Wells “pulled out a toy that her foster parent said she enjoyed: a squeaky ball. I tossed it from one end of the apartment to another and Sutton immediately opened up. It’s still one of her favorite pastimes.”

Additionally, Wells points out that dogs need a safe space to call their own. That can come in the form of a cozy dog bed, but you should also consider a crate. Professional trainer Tyler Muto told Wirecutter that even though dog trainers disagree on almost everything, most say a crate is an “essential tool” for any owner. For dogs, a crate provides a familiar and protected space to retreat to; for owners, it helps enforce sleep and bathroom schedules, and keeps dogs and children separated when necessary.

Help them eat and drink healthily

Cats and dogs will eat and drink out of any container when hungry or thirsty, but pet-specific vessels encourage healthier habits by leaving space for their whiskers. Whiskers are sensory organs, and overstimulating them is not merely distracting but may induce “whisker fatigue,” which, like strong smells for humans, can make animals less likely to eat and drink. Wirecutter recommends Petfusion’s shallow, pie-tin-like bowls for cats, and PetMates’s stable, broad-based bowls for dogs. These stainless steel containers are dishwasher-safe and their smooth, scratch-resistant surfaces are less hospitable to unsavory microbes than plastic.

Explore and travel safely

All dogs need walking, and that requires a solid leash. But contrary to popular belief, collars aren’t an ideal attachment point, because they can injure a dog’s trachea if it suddenly lunges. That’s why every veterinarian Wirecutter interviewed recommends using a chest harness instead. Not only are harnesses safer, they offer more control and are harder to slip out of.

A dark brown dog with a white patch on his chest is sitting on a sidewalk looking up at their owner (not pictured) while wearing a black Kurgo dog harness.
A chest harness is safer for your dog than a collar. Photo: Rozette Rago

Cats may not need walking, but you will need a soft-sided pet carrier to get them home and for trips to the vet. Wirecutter’s pick, the Sherpa Original Deluxe, comes in three sizes. The largest is suitable for cats and dogs up to about 22 pounds, and the small and medium are guaranteed to be accepted as carry-on luggage by many airlines.

When traveling by car, you can tuck a carrier safely into the footwell of the rear seat. For dogs too large to fit in a carrier, Wells advises using a travel harness. Wirecutter recommends the SleepyPod, which carries a five-star crash rating from the Center for Pet Safety. It attaches to a seatbelt to secure dogs as large as 90 pounds.

Just in case

“A scannable microchip is a must-have for any pet,” Wells says. Implanted under the skin (a simple procedure any vet can perform), microchips include your name and other identifying information and, unlike collar tags, can’t fall off or be easily removed. They make it far easier to reunite a lost or stolen pet with its owner.

Wells also recommends pet insurance. “It won’t cover those booster shots all puppies and kittens have to get, but it will work for unexpected expenses from accident or illness,” she says. Wirecutter examined multiple plans and got more than 100 quotes, and recommends Trupanion: The broad coverage and unlimited benefits provide a true safety net in case your pet faces a serious accident or illness, including chronic, lifelong conditions.

Have some fun

Cats aren’t picky when it comes to toys. But the Veterinary Centers of America recommends toys that offer “unpredictable movement, rapid movement and high-pitched sound,” which mimic prey behavior. “For my cat Tanzie, nothing beats a feather toy on the end of a pole,” Wells says. “It dances like a real bird in the air. It’s great for keeping her active, and I know her imagination is going wild when she makes those little kitty chirping sounds while hunting.”

A fluffy cat lays on a wood floor, looking up and out of the frame while surrounded by various cat toys.
Cats respond best to toys that offer unpredictable movement and sound. Photo: Kaitlyn Wells

For puppies, in particular, the American Kennel Club recommends scheduled play sessions not only as bonding time, but as a crucial part of establishing a sleeping routine. Although preferences vary from dog to dog, Wirecutter’s editorial team has a list of toys that have worked well for their pups. Wells particularly enjoys Hear Doggy’s “silent” squeakers, which emit ultrasonic noises that are imperceptible to humans. Wells reports that her dog “gets just as excited when squeaking this thing as she does her traditional squeakers—fun times for her and a lifesaver for my ears.”
