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Survivor Recounts Escape From Hawaii Wildfires

Bill Wyland, a resident, fled the flames in Lahaina, Hawaii, on his motorcycle. “I don’t know how people are going to live now,” he said, describing the wildfires’ devastation.

Every single house was — and car — was toast. I don’t know how people are going to live now with their houses and their cars and everything gone. I don’t know what they’re going to do. It’s a sad, sad place. Been around some fires, but not like this. This has been incredible, unbelievable. When I seen it, it jumped over in the corner of Dickinson Street. I saw the flames jump over. So I had quite the experience trying to get out of here on my Harley. There was embers all over, and the back of my neck was starting to burn. And the winds were probably 70, 70-plus miles an hour where I was at. So it was — it was unbelievable. Never seen anything like it. Almost all the historical buildings, the churches — that’s probably the hardest part for everybody that has lived there their whole lives is what’s happened there. You know, the other businesses, you know, you can rebuild. But what’s happened there, there’s no rebuilding what went on there.

Survivor Recounts Escape From Hawaii Wildfires

By Quincy Dein and Nikolay NikolovAugust 11, 2023

Bill Wyland, a resident, fled the flames in Lahaina, Hawaii, on his motorcycle. “I don’t know how people are going to live now,” he said, describing the wildfires’ devastation.

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