

The New York Times News Quiz, June 21, 2024

Did you follow the news this week? Take our quiz to see how well you stack up with other Times readers.

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Jared Wickerham for The New York Times

A weather pattern called a heat dome brought dangerously hot temperatures to the much of the United States this week. What is a heat dome?

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On Tuesday, President Biden announced protections for a category of undocumented immigrants that would protect them from deportation and allow them to work. Which category is it?

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Militants have waged a violent civil war throughout Sudan for the past year. A major city of which region now faces a siege?

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President Vladimir Putin of Russia visited North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, in Pyongyang this week, where they signed a new treaty. What did the treaty pledge?

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Louisiana’s governor signed a law requiring classrooms in the state to display what?

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This week the U.S. surgeon general, Dr. Vivek Murthy, announced that he would push for a warning label on what?

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Associated Press

The baseball legend Willie Mays died this week at 93. Among his many accolades, Mays is remembered for a remarkable play in the 1954 World Series that came to be known as what?

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Which tech company surpassed Microsoft this week as the world’s most valuable public company?

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Which Stephen Sondheim musical flopped when it debuted in 1981 but won the Tony for best musical revival this week?

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What did archaeologists recently discover in a cellar under George Washington’s Mount Vernon home?

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Which team won the N.B.A. finals this week, earning a record 18th title for the franchise?