

Nebraska Governor Primary Election Results

Republican Primary


Jim Pillen wins the Republican primary.

Race called by The Associated Press.

Updated May 13, 2022
>95% reported
Candidate Votes Pct.
Jim Pillen
91,152 +33.9% 33.9%
Charles Herbster
80,369 +29.9% 29.9
Brett Lindstrom
70,166 +26.1% 26.1
Total reported

Results by county

County Pillen Herbster Lindstrom Total votes Est. rpt.
Douglas 25% 25% 40% 54,989 >95%
Lancaster 34 26 32 36,284 >95%
Sarpy 26 31 32 18,498 >95%
Buffalo 36 33 19 7,819 >95%
Hall 35 31 23 7,037 >95%
Platte 66 15 13 6,371 >95%
Lincoln 39 34 17 6,069 >95%
Madison 44 28 20 5,559 >95%
Adams 38 31 21 5,434 >95%
Dodge 32 27 31 4,915 >95%
Saunders 29 34 29 4,776 >95%
Cass 26 35 28 4,521 >95%
Scotts Bluff 36 40 16 4,196 >95%
Gage 35 29 28 3,973 >95%
Washington 28 30 31 3,945 >95%
Dawson 42 25 18 3,735 >95%
Seward 36 31 25 3,222 93%
York 43 29 21 2,875 >95%
Otoe 28 31 30 2,678 >95%
Holt 30 44 17 2,566 >95%
Custer 39 32 13 2,448 >95%
Hamilton 39 29 17 2,446 >95%
Phelps 43 28 15 2,370 >95%
Cedar 41 36 13 2,342 >95%
Knox 41 35 16 2,265 >95%
Red Willow 33 36 17 2,155 >95%
Merrick 44 28 16 2,091 >95%
Clay 45 29 15 1,955 >95%
Cherry 34 52 6 1,952 >95%
Wayne 43 26 20 1,909 >95%
Stanton 43 32 17 1,866 >95%
Boone 49 20 15 1,852 >95%
Keith 38 38 14 1,760 >95%
Cuming 43 17 32 1,742 >95%
Dawes 29 39 20 1,731 >95%
Butler 52 25 17 1,708 >95%
Jefferson 36 34 23 1,613 >95%
Saline 34 35 23 1,597 >95%
Kearney 39 31 15 1,573 >95%
Antelope 46 34 13 1,505 >95%
Richardson 16 56 21 1,497 >95%
Pierce 42 33 18 1,472 >95%
Fillmore 43 25 25 1,415 >95%
Morrill 33 52 6 1,407 >95%
Dixon 38 39 14 1,400 >95%
Cheyenne 43 38 9 1,382 >95%
Colfax 56 20 15 1,332 >95%
Thayer 35 40 19 1,312 >95%
Howard 38 37 17 1,283 >95%
Burt 22 23 49 1,268 >95%
Box Butte 36 43 12 1,256 >95%
Valley 33 32 15 1,187 >95%
Sheridan 20 58 8 1,158 >95%
Polk 45 27 17 1,145 >95%
Brown 26 45 18 1,131 >95%
Dakota 43 30 18 1,091 >95%
Nemaha 31 31 26 1,067 >95%
Furnas 38 31 14 1,047 >95%
Chase 46 26 14 1,001 >95%
Johnson 23 36 29 961 >95%
Frontier 37 33 13 866 >95%
Nuckolls 30 42 18 845 >95%
Kimball 50 28 11 821 >95%
Harlan 39 29 17 770 >95%
Nance 43 29 14 673 >95%
Hitchcock 34 36 13 670 >95%
Perkins 40 29 12 662 >95%
Greeley 41 29 15 661 >95%
Boyd 24 56 12 647 >95%
Webster 40 36 16 645 >95%
Gosper 41 23 20 627 >95%
Garden 33 46 9 624 >95%
Franklin 43 34 10 605 >95%
Rock 26 46 15 598 >95%
Sherman 30 39 14 598 >95%
Garfield 28 49 12 577 >95%
Dundy 40 28 13 566 >95%
Pawnee 37 33 26 502 >95%
Deuel 44 31 14 456 >95%
Keya Paha 21 58 11 415 >95%
Thurston 35 31 24 405 >95%
Sioux 30 52 13 288 >95%
Hayes 31 41 9 259 >95%
Loup 33 33 11 245 >95%
Banner 52 37 5 229 >95%
Hooker 33 32 11 222 >95%
Thomas 32 44 14 221 >95%
Wheeler 35 33 15 221 >95%
Logan 41 37 9 208 >95%
Arthur 53 24 11 184 >95%
Grant 47 26 9 174 >95%
Blaine 28 40 15 158 >95%
McPherson 35 35 10 153 >95%

Democratic Primary


Carol Blood wins the Democratic primary.

Race called by The Associated Press.

Updated May 13, 2022
>95% reported
Candidate Votes Pct.
Carol Blood
88,189 +88.7% 88.7%
Roy Harris
11,191 +11.3% 11.3
Total reported

Results by county

County Blood Harris Total votes Est. rpt.
Douglas 91% 9% 42,209 >95%
Lancaster 92 8 24,485 >95%
Sarpy 92 8 7,074 >95%
Hall 84 16 1,735 >95%
Dodge 86 14 1,371 >95%
Buffalo 87 13 1,364 >95%
Adams 87 13 1,348 >95%
Gage 79 21 1,323 >95%
Lincoln 81 19 1,184 >95%
Cass 87 13 1,168 >95%
Madison 80 20 825 >95%
Platte 81 19 751 >95%
Seward 81 19 743 92%
Saunders 83 17 730 >95%
Washington 89 11 712 >95%
Scotts Bluff 74 26 633 >95%
Saline 80 20 616 >95%
Otoe 86 14 559 >95%
Dawson 83 17 470 >95%
Knox 64 36 406 >95%
Dawes 84 16 368 >95%
York 82 18 353 >95%
Richardson 81 19 345 >95%
Cedar 67 33 332 >95%
Fillmore 78 22 279 >95%
Dakota 69 31 274 >95%
Hamilton 86 14 270 >95%
Kearney 82 18 261 >95%
Burt 86 14 258 >95%
Wayne 81 19 254 >95%
Colfax 69 31 251 >95%
Merrick 80 20 251 >95%
Cuming 80 20 244 >95%
Dixon 76 24 244 >95%
Butler 73 27 242 >95%
Clay 78 22 242 >95%
Johnson 80 20 230 >95%
Boone 79 21 227 >95%
Howard 76 24 213 >95%
Red Willow 83 17 212 82%
Custer 80 20 208 >95%
Keith 77 23 203 >95%
Phelps 85 15 202 >95%
Jefferson 78 22 201 >95%
Nemaha 86 14 180 >95%
Thayer 82 18 169 >95%
Holt 83 17 161 >95%
Thurston 73 27 153 >95%
Valley 75 25 153 >95%
Box Butte 76 24 151 >95%
Stanton 81 19 147 >95%
Nuckolls 68 32 146 >95%
Cheyenne 75 25 132 >95%
Greeley 73 27 131 >95%
Sherman 79 21 131 >95%
Polk 76 24 125 >95%
Morrill 79 21 121 >95%
Antelope 69 31 109 >95%
Nance 82 18 101 >95%
Cherry 78 22 99 >95%
Furnas 71 29 94 >95%
Harlan 79 21 92 >95%
Pierce 68 32 85 >95%
Pawnee 84 16 83 >95%
Webster 75 25 79 >95%
Perkins 72 28 68 >95%
Sheridan 67 33 64 >95%
Chase 82 18 62 >95%
Franklin 83 17 60 >95%
Frontier 77 23 56 >95%
Garden 87 13 53 >95%
Kimball 66 34 47 >95%
Gosper 87 13 45 >95%
Boyd 67 33 43 >95%
Hitchcock 70 30 43 >95%
Garfield 79 21 42 >95%
Brown 80 20 41 >95%
Dundy 71 29 38 >95%
Rock 62 38 29 >95%
Loup 92 8 26 >95%
Deuel 71 29 21 >95%
Wheeler 86 14 21 >95%
Hooker 75 25 20 >95%
Sioux 57 43 14 >95%
Logan 77 23 13 93%
Keya Paha 91 9 11 92%
Hayes 70 30 10 91%
Thomas 89 11 9 >95%
McPherson 75 25 8 89%
Banner 57 43 7 88%
Arthur 17 83 6 86%
Blaine 83 17 6 86%
Grant 80 20 5 83%