

More Than 7,700 Cases of Coronavirus Recorded Worldwide

Chinese officials have confirmed over 7,700 cases of the mysterious illness as foreign governments airlifted their citizens out of Wuhan, the outbreak’s epicenter.

In Macau on Tuesday many shoppers wore face masks. The government has recommended that people across China wear masks to halt the spread of a dangerous coronavirus.Credit...Anthony Kwan/Getty Images

Mainland China now has more cases of coronavirus than it had of SARS, a respiratory infection that spread across China in 2002 and 2003 and killed 774 people in 17 countries. During the SARS outbreak, China had 5,327 cases and 349 deaths, according to the World Health Organization.

The number of confirmed cases increased to more than 7,700 worldwide by early Thursday, according to Chinese officials and the World Health Organization, with all but 68 of the infections taking place in mainland China. On Wednesday, there were about 6,000 infections worldwide.

In China, a total of 170 people have now died from the mysterious new coronavirus, according to official Chinese statistics, but the real number is likely much higher. A dearth of test kits has hindered health officials ability to accurately diagnose and track the illness.

Here’s what we know about how the disease has spread:

◆ China said early Thursday that 38 more people had died from the virus, which is believed to have originated in the central city of Wuhan and is spreading across the country. The previous count, on Wednesday, was 132.

◆ Tibet reported its first confirmed case.

◆ Thailand has reported 14 cases of infection; Hong Kong has 10; the United States, Taiwan, Australia and Macau have five each; Singapore, South Korea and Malaysia each have reported four; Japan has 11; France has five; Germany has four; Canada has three; Vietnam has two; and Nepal, Cambodia, and the United Arab Emirates each have one.

◆ Cases recorded in Taiwan, Germany, Vietnam and Japan involved patients who had not been to China. There have been no reported deaths outside China.

An aircraft transporting government employees and other Americans from Wuhan arrived at March Air Reserve Base in Riverside County, California, on Wednesday.Credit...Mike Blake/Reuters

The 195 Americans who were evacuated from Wuhan, the epicenter of the virus, have been instructed by federal health authorities to remain for three days on the air force base in Southern California where they landed on Wednesday.

The passengers on the flight, which was chartered by the State Department, will be fully evaluated during those three days, according to Christopher R. Braden, a deputy director of the Centers for Disease Control.

Once cleared, the passengers will be allowed to fly home, where they will be monitored for 14 days by medical teams in their area.

“We think we can do the full evaluation in three days. Some of that evaluation is taking tests and flying samples to C.D.C. in Atlanta,” Dr. Braden told a news conference in Riverside, California.

“The reason we want to do active monitoring for 14 days is to determine if they can become ill during that period,” Dr. Braden added. “That is the basic public health premise of our action.“

The flight carrying the evacuated Americans landed in Southern California, at March Air Reserve Base, shortly after 8 a.m. local time on Wednesday. The flight had stopped in Anchorage for several hours, where the passengers were checked by a team from the Centers for Disease Control.

“The whole plane erupted in cheers when the crew said, ‘Welcome home to the United States,’” said Anne Zink, Alaska’s chief medical officer.

[For a coming article, The New York Times would like to hear from Americans who flew on the chartered flight from China or their family members. Please contact to share your story.]

The evacuees — consisting mainly of consular officials and their families but also including some other Americans who were in China — will be accommodated at the base during the three-day period. But they will not have contact with any military personnel on the base.

The evacuees will undergo a battery of tests. If their results, from the lab of the Centers for Disease Control, come back negative, they will be allowed to travel onward.

During a news conference, Dr. Braden was peppered with questions about the wisdom of releasing the former residents of Wuhan into communities across the country.

He said that if a person deemed a danger to the community insisted on leaving before the 72-hour period expired, “we can institute an individual quarantine for that person and we will.”

Other countries that have evacuated or plan to evacuate their citizens from Wuhan include France, South Korea, Japan, Morocco, Germany, Kazakhstan, Britain, Canada, Russia, the Netherlands, Myanmar and Australia.

A production line for coronavirus detection kits in Taizhou.Credit...Reuters

Researchers at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity in Melbourne, Australia, say they have grown the Wuhan coronavirus in a laboratory.

Scientists in China and other researchers have managed to do so as well, officials at the World Health Organization said on Wednesday.

Isolating and growing viral samples is standard procedure during the outbreak of a novel pathogen, said Dr. Peter J. Hotez, co-director of the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

“Early on in an outbreak, you still need to understand the biology of the new organism that’s causing infections,” Dr. Hotez said.

Scientists collect samples from fluids obtained from the lungs or nasal passages of infected patients. Researchers may use the lab-grown virus to test antiviral drugs or develop experimental vaccines, Dr. Hotez said.

By growing the novel coronavirus in controlled conditions, researchers also may get a better understanding of why the virus seems to be transmitted more easily than the SARS coronavirus, yet so far seems to have a lower mortality rate.

Scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also are trying to grow the coronavirus from patient samples collected in the United States. Once they’ve succeeded, the agency will make samples available to infectious disease researchers through a public repository. Chinese and Australian researchers have already offered to distribute samples.

Scientists are also working quickly to develop a vaccine capable of stopping the new coronavirus.

Government scientists in China, the United States and Australia, as well as those working at Johnson & Johnson, Moderna Therapeutics and Inovio Pharmaceuticals are all engaged.

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health’s Vaccine Research Center in Maryland have pinpointed the parts of the genetic code that could be used to make a vaccine. But a vaccine could take months, if not years, to develop.

Three Japanese citizens who returned on a government-sponsored charter plane from Wuhan on Wednesday morning tested positive for the coronavirus, bringing the number of confirmed cases in Japan to 11.

Katsunobu Kato, the country’s Health, Labor and Welfare minister, told a session of Parliament on Thursday morning that the two men and one woman who landed in Tokyo on Wednesday had tested positive for the virus.

On Wednesday, 206 Japanese citizens landed at Haneda airport. All except two agreed to be tested for the virus, and 12 were sent immediately to a hospital for monitoring. The majority of the passengers — 191 — were asymptomatic but are quarantined in a hotel awaiting the results of virus tests. Of the three who tested positive, one exhibited symptoms, while two others were not yet showing symptoms.

Another Japanese chartered flight from Wuhan landed on Thursday morning with 210 passengers aboard.

A line to buy face masks in Nanning.Credit...Chinatopix, via Associated Press

The World Health Organization will convene a meeting of experts on Thursday in Geneva to vote again on whether to declare the coronavirus epidemic a global health emergency, officials said on Wednesday.

At a news conference in Geneva on Wednesday, W.H.O. officials said they were particularly concerned about recent cases of person-to-person transmission that have been reported among people who have never been to China.

On Jan. 23, when there were about 800 confirmed cases and all 25 deaths were in China, the same committee recommended that an emergency not be declared at that time. Since then, the infection has spread to people in four countries who have never been to China.

Most patients infected with the virus develop mild symptoms, but about 20 percent become severely ill. The death rate seems to be 2 percent, W.H.O. officials said, though they cautioned that there are many unknown variables.

“This number may change,” said Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, acting head of emerging diseases at the W.H.O. “It’s early to put a percentage on that.”

The director general of the W.H.O., Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, praised China’s response to the crisis.

“The fact that to date we have only seen 68 cases outside China and no deaths is due in no small part to the extraordinary steps the government has taken to prevent the export of cases,” he said.

Health officials in China alerted Germany when a Chinese woman returning from Germany developed symptoms and tested positive for the coronavirus. Because of the shared information, at least one infection in Germany was discovered.

“This example is a good illustration of how China is engaging” with the W.H.O. and other countries, Dr. Tedros said.

But some Chinese social media users have strongly criticized the government’s handling of the outbreak, posting harrowing descriptions of untreated family members and images of hospital corridors loaded with patients.

The sheer amount of complaints — and some of the clever ways users have dodged censors, like referring to President Xi Jinping as “Trump” — have made it difficult for the Chinese government to maintain its tight grip on what is said, seen and heard about it.

Some international sports events have been postponed or even canceled in China because of the coronavirus outbreak.

The biggest casualty so far is the indoor world athletics championships in Nanjing, which were postponed by a full year on Wednesday.

The international ski federation has canceled the first World Cup races planned for the mountain venue where the sport will be held during the 2022 Beijing Olympics, The Associated Press reported.

The governing body of athletics said the indoor championships will now be held in March 2021 instead of March 13-15 this year.

Nanjing is about 330 miles from Wuhan, where the outbreak started.

Qualifying tournaments for this summers’ Tokyo Olympics have also been affected. Women’s soccer and women’s basketball games were moved to Australia and Serbia. The soccer games had initially been moved from Wuhan to Nanjing. Boxing tournaments for the Asia and Oceania regions will be held in Jordan in March.

Flight crew members at the Pudong International Airport in Shanghai, China, on Monday. Several international airlines announced they suspended or reduced flights to China.Credit...Aly Song/Reuters

British Airways has indefinitely suspended all flights to and from China, the airline said on Wednesday, citing advice from Britain’s Foreign Office that cautioned against all nonessential travel to China.

“We apologize to customers for the inconvenience, but the safety of our customers and crew is always our priority,” the company said in an emailed statement.

Other airlines have begun to scale back flights to China as the death toll and number of cases rises, but the British flag carrier, one of the world’s largest international airlines, is the first to cancel all its scheduled flights.

The airline, based in London, makes multiple flights a week to Beijing and Shanghai.

Air Canada said on Wednesday that it was also suspending all flights to China, from Thursday until Feb. 29.

And Delta announced that it was temporarily reducing its weekly flights between the United States and China, because of declining demand. From Feb. 6 through April 30, the airline will go down to 21 weekly flights, or three to four weekly flights per route.

The low-cost Indonesian carrier Lion Air and Seoul Air of South Korea also suspended all their flights to China, The Associated Press reported.

United Airlines and Air Canada said on Tuesday that they would reduce flights to China, canceling dozens of scheduled trips over the coming days and weeks because of a sudden drop in demand. Health officials in the United States have also warned against all nonessential travel to China.

In Hong Kong, the authorities have reduced by half the number of flights coming into the semiautonomous region from mainland China and have also shut down rail services to the mainland. Hong Kong’s flagship carrier, Cathay Pacific, has also suspended all flights to and from Wuhan through March.

Medical staff in protective suits treated a patient with pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus at the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University on Tuesday.Credit...China Daily/Reuters

The new coronavirus that was first discovered in China last month is showing early signs of spreading abroad, with people who never visited China during the outbreak falling ill in Germany, Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam.

The overseas cases highlight the ability of the mysterious disease, which is believed to have originated in wild animals, to be transmitted from one person to another, increasing its chances of spreading.

“These reports are concerning, if they stand up to scrutiny, which they certainly sound credible,” said Dr. Arthur Reingold, a professor of epidemiology at the University of California, Berkeley.

Some cases that have spread outside China appear to have been spread between family members, who are at greater risk while caring for sick relatives. Other cases, however, appear to have spread between people with different connections.

In Japan, a tour bus driver in his 60s who had driven two different groups from Wuhan, China, was confirmed to have the coronavirus, officials said on Tuesday. The driver had no history of traveling to Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak.

“I think what that says is, if we can get transmission in such a setting, then we can certainly get it in the waiting room of a clinic or a hospital,” Professor Reingold said. “That’s very concerning.”

German officials said on Tuesday that a 33-year-old man from Starnberg in Bavaria was apparently infected with the coronavirus after a Jan. 21 training event with a Chinese colleague. The Chinese colleague flew home two days later. The German man was being treated under isolation while officials identified other people with whom he might have been in contact.

Late Tuesday, health officials in Germany said three more people from the same company in Bavaria were also infected. The three were admitted to a clinic in Munich, where they were to be isolated and treated. An additional 40 people with close contact to those infected would be tested on Wednesday, officials said.

Taiwan said on Tuesday that a man had become infected after his wife had contracted the virus while working in Wuhan. He became Taiwan’s eighth case and the first known to be transmitted locally.

In an article published by The New England Journal of Medicine on Tuesday, Vietnamese physicians reported that a 65-year-old man from Wuhan appeared to have transmitted the coronavirus to his son, 27, who was living in Long An Province, southwest of Ho Chi Minh City. The father developed a fever on Jan. 17, four days after flying to Hanoi, Vietnam, from Wuhan.

The son met his father on Jan. 17, and by Jan. 20 he had a dry cough and fever. The father’s condition has improved, and the son is stable, the doctors wrote. None of their 28 identified close contacts, including the father’s wife, have developed symptoms of respiratory infection, they said.

Workers at a mask factory in Handan, China, last week.Credit...EPA, via Shutterstock

With demand for surgical masks on the rise in China, a drugstore in Beijing has been fined more than $400,000 by the government for charging customers roughly six times what the masks are being sold for online.

State-run media said that the store was charging customers 850 yuan, or $122, for the masks, while they were being sold online for 143 yuan.

Infectious disease specialists say the disposable masks, which cover the nose and mouth, can help prevent the spread of infections if they are worn properly and used consistently.

The masks have become ubiquitous in cities across China. In Hong Kong, where the outbreak has brought back painful memories of the SARS epidemic in 2002-03, officials said that customs authorities were examining surgical masks being sold in the city for counterfeit labeling and not meeting safety standards.

In announcing the fine against the Beijing drugstore, a government notice warned that the authorities would “continue to step up enforcement and make every effort to curb the excessive and rapid rise in protective enforcement prices.”

Surgical masks have become so much in demand that a website advertising more fashionable versions of them warns that deliveries are at risk of being delayed.

Reporting was contributed by Chris Buckley, Russell Goldman, Elaine Yu, Raymond Zhong, Austin Ramzy, Alexandra Stevenson, Sui-Li Wee, Miriam Jordan, Paul Mozur, Knvul Sheikh, Katie Thomas, James Gorman, Motoko Rich, Ben Dooley, Makiko Inoue, Eimi Yamamitsu, Patricia Cohen, Donald G. McNeil Jr., Roni Caryn Rabin, Motoko Rich and Karen Zraick. Zoe Mou, Albee Zhang, Amber Wang, Yiwei Wang and Claire Fu contributed research.
