

Warren Urges Democrats to ‘Imagine’ a Better America (and Her as President)

Elizabeth Warren delivered a major speech exactly a year after she entered the presidential race, restating her case against corruption while projecting optimism heading into 2020.

Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke at the Old South Meeting House in Boston on Tuesday.Credit...Elizabeth Frantz for The New York Times

BOSTON — Marking a year since she began her campaign for president and seeking to frame the final five-week sprint to Iowa where much of her candidacy hinges, Senator Elizabeth Warren urged her supporters to “imagine that something better lies on the other side of the chaos and ugliness of the last three years” in a major speech on Tuesday.

Ms. Warren, who surged to the front of the Democratic field in early fall but has since receded, warned her party against “thinking small” in 2020 as she pitched her sweeping agenda. “Americans do big things,” she said. “That’s who we are.”

Speaking at the Old South Meeting House in Boston, where revolutionaries plotted and organized against the British in the 1770s and planted the seeds of the American Revolution, the senior Massachusetts senator asked her supporters — and would-be supporters — to envision a new America under a President Warren.

“Today we come together to imagine,” Ms. Warren said, using variations of “imagine” roughly 50 times as she ticked off plans for providing universal health care, wiping away student loan debt, tackling climate change, addressing gender and racial inequities and curbing the power of money in politics.

She cast the 2020 campaign as “our chance to rewrite the rules of power in our country.”

“The billionaires, the corporate executives and their favorite presidential candidates have one clear goal: to convince you that everything you imagine is impossible,” she said, sharpening her contrast with Democratic rivals like former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., who have aggressively courted large contributors.

“You better believe the big donors know which candidates for president are on their side,” she added, offering something of a rebuttal to Mr. Buttigieg, who has criticized Ms. Warren for her pursuit of such donors before she began her presidential campaign. Their goal, she said, was “to convince you that reform is hopeless — to convince you that because no one can be pure, it’s pointless to try to make anything better.”

A year ago, Ms. Warren became the first major candidate to enter the 2020 primary, getting a jump on her rivals but stumbling out of the blocks. She struggled early on to raise money and to turn the page on her decision in late 2018 to take a DNA test about her claimed Native American ancestry, for which she later apologized. But by spring and summer, a drumbeat of policy proposals — “I have a plan for that” became her mantra — and her skills as a campaigner helped lift her out of the pack of candidates to emerge as one of the leading challengers to Mr. Biden, who has led in national polls all year.

This New Year’s Eve speech was an attempt by Ms. Warren’s campaign to widen her brand beyond specific plans into a comprehensive and compelling vision for change — and to push a Democratic Party deeply concerned about losing to President Trump a second time to focus on what comes after Mr. Trump as much as on the process of beating him.

“You know why she’s unapologetic about being aspirational?” Representative Ayanna Pressley, a Massachusetts Democrat and national co-chair of Ms. Warren’s campaign, said in an interview. “Because she knows that these aspirational dreams are attainable. They can become a reality. That’s what these plans are about.”

Now, with the first nominating contest in Iowa only weeks away, Ms. Warren faces political challenges in almost every direction.

On the left, she has been unable to consolidate the party’s liberal base, with a loyal and substantial bloc remaining aligned with Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. In the middle, Mr. Buttigieg has emerged as a significant threat, wresting away some of Ms. Warren’s support from more educated, white voters. And among black voters — a crucial Democratic constituency — Mr. Biden’s hold has remained as durable as ever.

But Ms. Warren’s potential to win over a significant share of all those groups is why so many of her allies, and opponents, see her as politically potent as the calendar turns to 2020.

“Folks that are trying to write an obituary for her campaign before not a single vote has been cast — I will point you to a long list of people that have underestimated Elizabeth Warren before,” said Representative Joseph P. Kennedy III, Democrat of Massachusetts, who has endorsed Ms. Warren and sat in the front row for the speech. “And I would tell you that I don’t think that’s a healthy bet to make.”

Among the urgent tasks for Ms. Warren is to build support among communities of color, and in particular among black voters, and she used the biography and poetry of Phillis Wheatley, who was enslaved in the 1700s, as part of the spine of her speech on Tuesday.

“Black history — American history — has shown us the way to the America of our highest ideals,” she said. “A road map of resistance and endurance in the fight to transform the heart of our nation.”

The speech was Ms. Warren’s fourth major address of the year, beginning with her formal campaign launch in February, that was built around a woman or group of women in American history who have effected change. As the leading female candidate in the race, Ms. Warren made a nod to the glass ceiling that Hillary Clinton fell short of shattering four years ago.

“Imagine an America where the lived experience of women is reflected in committee rooms and corner offices and yes, even that really nice oval-shaped office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,” she said to particularly loud applause.

Ms. Warren, who has vividly diagnosed America’s woes as stemming from corruption, sought an uplifting tone on Tuesday, speaking with what she called “a heart filled with optimism.”

“People tell me what’s broken, but the fear always comes lit by a hope for change,” she said, in an echo of President Barack Obama’s famous slogan. “Hope for change because they believe in America, and in each other. And I believe, too.”

Ms. Warren has spent recent months urging her party not to give in to fears, particularly about her viability as a rival to Mr. Trump. She said Tuesday that America’s strongest moments were “rooted” in the nation’s ability to transform “despair into hope, fear into courage, improbability into triumph.”

Mr. Sanders, who is also pitching a message of broad change, closed out the year in Des Moines, where he scrapped plans to hold what had been billed an “end-of-year press conference” and instead offered brief remarks to volunteers in a supporter’s living room. He then fielded a few questions from reporters before taking a brisk walk through the neighborhood and canvassing at three homes.

In response to a question about what policy distinctions he had with Ms. Warren, Mr. Sanders — who has been reluctant to criticize Ms. Warren — noted that he would introduce his “Medicare for all” legislation in his first week as president. Ms. Warren has vowed to pass an expansion of public health insurance in her first 100 days as president, but would wait as long as three years to push through a Medicare for all-style universal system.

“I think we have a lot in common, and there are differences,” Mr. Sanders said. “It is not my style, you know, to make personal attacks on candidates.”

Later, answering a question about whether selecting a Republican vice-presidential candidate would be good for Democrats, Mr. Sanders unsurprisingly rejected the idea. (On Monday, Mr. Biden said that he would consider choosing a Republican as a running mate but that he couldn’t think of any who would fit the bill.)

On Tuesday night, Mr. Sanders planned to hold a “Bernie’s Big New Year’s Bash” event at a hotel in downtown Des Moines, with a cash bar.

Ms. Warren’s event at the Old South Meeting House had a festive atmosphere, as a crowd of nearly 700 supporters waved miniature American flags and thundered in approval of their hometown candidate. Many staff members from Ms. Warren’s nearby headquarters lingered for a group photo nearly two hours after she had finished speaking and competed her photo line with attendees.

But it was not all positivity from the podium.

Ms. Warren delivered a lacerating indictment of the Republican Party under Mr. Trump, who she said had “become bolder with his lies and more brazen in his law-breaking.”

“Republicans in Congress have turned into fawning, spineless defenders of his crimes,” she said. And she all but predicted that Mr. Trump would be acquitted in an impeachment trial in the Senate, warning that “Donald Trump will be emboldened to try to cheat his way through yet another election.”

Sydney Ember contributed reporting from Des Moines.

Shane Goldmacher is a national political reporter and was previously the chief political correspondent for the Metro Desk. Before joining The Times, he worked at Politico, where he covered national Republican politics and the 2016 presidential campaign. More about Shane Goldmacher

A version of this article appears in print on  , Section A, Page 14 of the New York edition with the headline: Looking for Momentum, Warren Delivers Message of Optimism. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
See more on: Elizabeth Warren
