

Trump’s Team Says He Sold All His Stocks in June

President-elect Donald J. Trump in the lobby of Trump Tower in Manhattan on Tuesday.Credit...Hilary Swift for The New York Times

Since his election a few weeks ago, Donald J. Trump has faced serious questions about the conflicts of interest his vast business empire could create once he enters the White House. There is at least one facet of his holdings that should not be an issue: his stock portfolio.

The president-elect sold all his stock holdings in June, according to Jason Miller, a spokesman.

Financial filings submitted by Mr. Trump and released in May by the Federal Election Commission show that as of that month, Mr. Trump’s portfolio was worth at least $22 million, and included a number of the country’s best-known companies, among them Apple, Walmart and MasterCard. Mr. Trump’s largest single holding was a stake in a multistrategy fixed-income hedge fund managed by BlackRock that had a value of at least $25 million. It is not known if he sold that or smaller holdings, like his “investment in gold,” which he listed as being worth at least $100,000.

It is not possible to independently verify Mr. Trump’s stock sales, but at some point during his first term he will have to release a financial disclosure form that will include information about his stock holdings.

Mr. Trump’s stock holdings are not a significant portion of his business empire, but the sale Mr. Miller discussed could alleviate some immediate concerns about his conflicts. Mr. Trump has been singling out corporations for their behavior, like the airplane manufacturer Boeing, which he attacked on Twitter on Tuesday for “out of control” spending on the new Air Force One that the government commissioned the company to build.

Until recently, Mr. Trump had a financial interest in Boeing. In 2013, he boasted on Twitter about buying the shares, and continued to hold the stock until recently, according to the filing released by the election commission.

Mr. Miller did not respond to requests seeking additional details on Mr. Trump’s stock sales, and it is not known why Mr. Trump liquidated his holdings this year. In addition to his June sell-off, earlier this year Mr. Trump disclosed that he had sold a handful of stocks, leading to speculation he needed cash to keep his presidential bid afloat. Mr. Trump relied on his own money, as well as that from donors, to pay for his campaign.

On Aug. 2, during an interview with Stuart Varney on the Fox Business Network, Mr. Trump was asked if he was “an investor in the stock market now.” He replied: “I did, and I got out. I did invest and I got out, and it was actually very good timing, but I’ve never been a big investor in the stock market.”

Whatever Mr. Trump’s motives, the sale does little to mitigate the larger conflict-of-interest concerns that have followed him since the election. He has sizable holdings in the country and abroad, and the extent of his financial engagements is not known because he has refused to release his tax returns or allow for an independent appraisal of his holdings.

This is a problem because Mr. Trump will have substantial sway over monetary and tax policy, as well as the power to make appointments that would directly affect his financial empire. He will also have official dealings with countries in which he has business interests.

Mr. Trump has said he intends to hold a news conference on Dec. 15 to discuss his plans for his business, but it is not expected that he will move to sell his company’s assets. A number of experts have argued that a full sale is the only sure path to avoiding conflicts.

When Mr. Varney, the Fox journalist, asked Mr. Trump if he would advise Americans to invest their 401(k) plans in stocks, Mr. Trump said he would not.

“I don’t like a lot of the signs that I’m seeing,” he said. “I don’t like what I am seeing at all.”

The stock market has been on the rise since Mr. Trump’s interview with Mr. Varney.

David Barstow and Maggie Haberman contributed reporting. Kitty Bennett contributed research.

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