

Rent-Stabilized Leases Shielded in Bankruptcy

Mary Santiago in her East Village apartment. The State Court of Appeals exempted her lease from her bankruptcy estate.Credit...Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times

In a decision with implications for millions of tenants, New York State’s highest court ruled Thursday that a lease for a rent-regulated apartment is a public benefit and cannot be seized as an asset in a personal bankruptcy.

In a 5-to-2 vote, the Court of Appeals said that a rent-stabilized lease was exempted from a bankruptcy estate as a public assistance benefit, just like disability or unemployment benefits. Bankruptcy lawyers in New York who were closely monitoring the case said that not keeping the lease off limits would have made it easier for landlords to evict rent-stabilized tenants if they file for bankruptcy, even when they pay their rent.

The case involved Mary Veronica Santiago, an 80-year-old widow in the East Village of Manhattan whose landlord, who was not one of her creditors, offered to buy her rent-stabilized lease and produce the money to pay off her debt of about $23,000. The bankruptcy trustee in charge of marshaling her assets, John S. Pereira, accepted the offer but Mrs. Santiago’s lawyers, fearing her eventual eviction despite an agreement to let her stay in the unit, challenged that decision.

After both a bankruptcy court and a Federal District Court sided with the bankruptcy trustee, Mrs. Santiago appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. The federal court deferred to the state court as the final authority on the question of whether the lease should be exempt under New York law.

Mrs. Santiago’s case was the first time an appellate court in New York had ruled on whether the leases should be exempt.

“When the rent-stabilization regulatory scheme is considered against the backdrop of the crucial role that it plays in the lives of New York residents, and the purpose and effect of the program,” Judge Sheila Abdus-Salam wrote for the majority, “it is evident that a tenant’s rights under a rent-stabilized lease are a local public assistance benefit.”

“Affordable housing,” the majority said, “is an essential need.”

Also voting with the majority were Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman and Judges Eugene F. Pigott Jr., Victoria A. Graffeo and Jenny Rivera.

Both the state and New York City regarded the case as posing a major risk to New Yorkers who seek bankruptcy protection and happen to live in rent-stabilized apartments, and threw their weight behind Mrs. Santiago. In a brief filed jointly in September, the New York attorney general’s office and the city’s Law Department argued that treating a lease like property that could be sold, like a car or a piece of land, would undermine the safeguards that both bankruptcy and rent laws are supposed to provide.

The case also drew the interest of lawyers who saw it as a threat to the housing stability of many low-income New Yorkers. Mrs. Santiago’s case was argued before the state court by Ronald J. Mann, a law professor at Columbia University and experienced bankruptcy specialist.

“The decision finally restores the status quo that held for decades, protecting these tenants in bankruptcy so long as they pay their rent,” Mr. Mann said.

John P. Campo, a lawyer for the bankruptcy trustee, said “the general consensus” before the state court ruled on the matter Thursday was that a lease was not a public benefit.

“The trustee all along was simply following the law,” he said.

In a dissenting opinion, Judge Robert S. Smith argued that the majority “grossly misreads” the law by treating rent regulation as public assistance. He was joined by Judge Susan Phillips Read.

“I would like to try asking every rent-controlled or rent-stabilized tenant in New York: ’Do you receive public assistance?’ ” Judge Smith wrote. “I would be surprised to find even one (apart from those receiving government subsidies from other programs) who answered yes.”

But Linda B. Rosenthal, a member of the State Assembly who introduced a bill two years ago to prohibit the use of rent-regulated leases as assets in bankruptcy proceedings, said she had heard from tenants who needed bankruptcy protection but were afraid to seek it.

“I’m just delighted that the court got it right,” said Ms. Rosenthal, a Manhattan Democrat who also submitted a brief in the case along with 17 other state legislators on behalf of Mrs. Santiago. “People who are in the unfortunate circumstances of having to file for bankruptcy will no longer put it off for fear of losing their home.”

Mrs. Santiago’s lawyers said they expected her bankruptcy case to close quickly after the federal court adopts the state court’s ruling and issues its opinion in a few months.

In the two-bedroom, $703-a-month apartment where she has lived for more than 50 years, Mrs. Santiago burst into tears when she heard about the decision from her bankruptcy lawyer, Kathleen G. Cully.

“It’s such a big relief,” she said in a phone interview. “I don’t have to worry about my landlord anymore.”

A version of this article appears in print on  , Section A, Page 24 of the New York edition with the headline: Rent-Stabilized Leases Shielded in Bankruptcy. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
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