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Andrew Cuomo: There’s a better way forward for New York State


These are perilous times and the ship of state must maneuver quickly, but smartly.

The problems are mounting and public skepticism about the future of New York is at frightening levels.

The legislative session is still ongoing in Albany and the priorities are clear.

Dramatic action is needed to stop the New York City crime spree and to give New Yorkers hope rather than fear.

The subway system is the circulatory system for our downstate economy and we must increase police presence and police action. A police officer on every train worked before and will work again. But police must actively patrol, and that means district attorneys must prosecute crimes.

Carl Heastie, Kathy Hochul and Andrea Stewart-Cousins.
Carl Heastie, Kathy Hochul and Andrea Stewart-Cousins.

Commercial office space will not fully rebound post-COVID, and there’s a unique opportunity to convert space to much-needed affordable housing and save these buildings from insolvency.

Real tax relief must be provided. The state budget missed the opportunity, and Washington promised property tax relief by repealing the so-called SALT bill. President Biden, Sen. Chuck Schumer and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand all repeatedly stated that the federal tax was unfair to New Yorkers and promised they would repeal it when they were in power. That was two years ago. Their political feet must be held to the fire of accountability.

Unfortunately, at the worst moment, Albany dysfunction is back with a vengeance. Spouses, mega-donors, and even old roommates have direct financial interests that benefit elected officials.

Not only have old sins been reborn, but there are new ones.

Pay-to-play donor connections and conflicts of interest are glaring. Critical pension reform laws were inexplicably and secretively rolled back. The license fees for casinos were reduced, meaning more wins for the casinos and a loss for the taxpayers. Backroom deals also allowed Albany’s favored casinos a competitive advantage. I’m sure those will be the next cases brought by a U.S. attorney.

The lieutenant governor’s indictment raises troubling questions. After many scandals, we had reformed the insidious pork-barrel member-item process. The attorney general’s office had undertaken a comprehensive vetting process and required legal certifications that there was no conflict of interest or financial relationship between the legislator and the grantee. The legislative leaders were responsible for reviewing the grant for any conflict or political connection. In the Brian Benjamin case, the entire system failed.

How could this happen? The public deserves answers now.

Also, the League of Women Voters is right, recently passed congressional and legislative lines are a clear violation of constitutional language prohibiting partisan redistricting.

Of course, Democrats, myself included, have a partisan interest in seeing districts favor Democrats. I also fully understand the instinct to “get even” for the Republicans’ past partisan redistricting in this state and in many others. But two wrongs still don’t make a right, and the principle of fair elections and voting rights cannot be applied selectively. That’s why we took the unusual step of amending the state Constitution to mandate the process be free from partisanship. The way things played out in New York is an egregious statement of disdain for the rule of law.

The Legislature wants to keep the political advantage of their gerrymandered lines and judges rely on the Legislature for a salary raise. If the judicial branch becomes complicit, it will be the trifecta of dysfunction.

The Albany culture now is “see no evil” and “go along to get along.” State government is back to parochial politics, fundraising and incompetence.

There is no vision, planning, performance or accountability. The only act of national significance in the budget was the Bills stadium deal that a national expert called “one of the worst deals for taxpayers I’ve ever seen” and “a return to the bad old days.” New Yorkers were extorted and the Legislature must insist that It be re-negotiated before the end of session because they are effectively cosigners.

It’s no secret that the Albany establishment wanted me out of office. From their point of view, I was an obstacle. In truth, I would’ve never signed this budget. I’m proud to have been considered a disruptive force to politics as usual.

The window of opportunity to restore faith in New York is closing. COVID has changed the world in many ways. People and businesses can work from home and home can be anywhere. It’s not that people are affirmatively choosing other states, but that they’re being constructively evicted from New York.

We just paid the Buffalo Bills $1 billion to stay here. What do we pay our citizens to stay?

State government must act decisively and tackle the difficult problems. If the Democrats do not make a dramatic difference quickly, I fear the people will make that difference by defeating Democrats in November.

Cuomo, who served as 56th governor of New York, resigned last August.

Originally Published: