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General Daily Insight for March 27, 2022

The stage is being set for fresh exchanges today. Mercury is entering Aries at 3:44 am EDT, propelling us forward and supplying us with tons of engaging new ideas. Meanwhile, the Moon in Aquarius will be quite busy, forming one sextile after another — first to the Sun in Aries, looping us into other people’s plans, then to Chiron, reminding us to be gentle in our approach. A final lunar square to Uranus could bring a surprise later in the day.

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March 21-April 19

It’s time to wake up and get your mind working at top gear! Mercury enters your sign today after completing a tour of your subconscious realm, so you could feel like you’re coming out of a hazy fog into a much clearer reality. This is a great time to start focusing on ways to improve your life, especially by doing things like highlighting your own ideas or sharing your talents with others. People should be duly impressed by your ingenuity and verbal acuity.


April 20-May 20

The world around you is about to start moving along at a slower pace. Mercury is slipping into your sleepy 12th House of the Subconscious today, helping your brain shut off and allowing you to feel your way through life, following the cosmic tide wherever it might lead. During this time, you’ll benefit from taking a more creative, roundabout approach to your projects. Do your best to take your foot off the gas and just see where you wind up. It could be somewhere fantastic!


May 21-June 20

Your social life is about to bump up a few notches, starting today. Your outgoing ruler, Mercury, jumps headfirst into your 11th House of Friendships and Global Groups and offers you a break from work. It’s time to clock out and go see what everyone else is up to! This cycle will bring lots of opportunities for you to make new connections — something you’re probably delighted to do — so get ready to make fresh introductions and renew old ones.


June 21-July 22

Business matters are looming large on the horizon. Today, Mercury enters your ambitious 10th House of Professional Achievements and Reputation, helping you get serious about your goals and understand what you need to do in order to get to where you want to be. This is a good day to sit down and make a game plan to establish the finer points of your plan of attack. If you’re strategic, then you should be able to pull off any strategy without difficulty.


July 23-August 22

You’re about to have a bird’s eye view of the world. Intelligent Mercury is moving into your broad-minded 9th House of Culture and Higher Education, letting you spread your mental wings and start to take in the sights. During this transit, you’ll benefit from considering other points of view and learning what other people have to say, so be prepared to enter every situation with an open mind. What you learn now could impact your life for a long time to come!


August 23-September 22

Life could feel as dramatic as a noir film set all of a sudden. Mercury, your cosmic ruler, has just slipped into your 8th House of Sex and Secrets, turning your attention to all the serious matters of life. This cycle is all about reading between the lines and seeing what intimate details you can ferret out when you don your detective cap and do a bit of sleuthing. You’re entering a very transformational realm, so let your mind lead you wherever it chooses.


September 23-October 22

Other people are about to start taking top billing in your life. Mental Mercury is entering your 7th House of Contracts and Mutual Connections, gearing you up to form a few powerful partnerships, whether they’re romantic, professional, or platonic. Instead of worrying about achieving everything on your own, try to seek out people who can complement your skills and lend a helping hand. That said, don’t expect them to do all the work. You’ve got to pull your share of the weight as well!


October 23-November 21

It’s a great day to hunker down and get serious about your personal well-being! Mercury is leaping into your 6th House of Daily Work and Health, which is the most efficient sector of your chart and is all about making sure you’re performing at top capacity. Start examining your habits and routines — look for ways to work smarter, not harder. This is also a great time to clean up your diet or even begin a new workout routine, so don’t hesitate to get started.


November 22-December 21

You’re quite the lucky one, Sagittarius! Mercury, the cosmic communicator, is dancing into your live-out-loud 5th house and inspiring you to follow your heart wherever it might lead. This is an especially creative transit for you, so if you’ve got an artistic bent then you’re going to be in your prime for the duration of this cycle. Don’t worry about being perfect or any minor responsibilities right now — enjoying life is your biggest priority. It’s time to focus on fun!


December 22-January 19

Your home life could begin to take up more of your attention starting today. Vivacious Mercury is entering your 4th House of Foundations and Feelings, turning your senses toward anything that may be going on under your own roof. This cycle is wonderful for doing more entertaining at your place! If you’re bored of being a homebody, think about using this time to invite your friends over. Doing a bit of redecorating before any guests come knocking could freshen things up!


January 20-February 18

Finding free time might be about to become an impossible task! Messenger Mercury bounds into your busy 3rd House of Local Community and Communications today, giving you a hundred things to do and only so many hours in the day to do them. Be extra diligent about staying organized — consider starting a planner of some kind if you don’t keep one already. This is also a great time to explore your neighborhood and see what new things have popped up recently.


February 19-March 20

Your money and how you make it is about to become a hot topic. Mercury is bounding into your 2nd House of Financial Security, turning your thoughts toward dollar signs. Over the next few weeks, you could encounter a few fresh revenue streams. If you’re looking for ways to increase your net worth, pay attention or you might miss out! Whether you’re hoping for a raise or hunting for a whole new position, it’s time to think with your wallet.

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