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Schools and Colleges Liaison

The Schools and Colleges Liaison team works closely with schools, sixth forms and colleges across the UK. We deliver interactive workshops to support students with their journey to higher education. All of the sessions have been designed inline with the UCAS cycle

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What we offer

Core workshops

Our core workshops have been designed with the student lifecycle in mind and are aimed at students taking level 3 qualifications in schools, sixth forms, and colleges across the UK.

We deliver the right information at the right times throughout the attendees’ journey to ensure that they are prepared to apply for, and study at, university.

The Expert Series

Bring university study to life with The Expert Series, an opportunity for your students to hear directly from NTU academics on a range of subject areas.

Teacher and adviser mailing list sign-up

To be kept up to date with our upcoming events and opportunities, please email to be added to our mailing list.

We know that you want the best for your students, and that you need to be able to trust us. All our sessions are fully resourced, completely free of charge, and delivered by our experienced team.​

Rowan Triffitt, Schools and Colleges Liaison Manager​

Pre-16 Outreach and Widening Participation

Learn about the programmes our Centre for Student and Community Engagement offers to support and empower young people and learners throughout their education journey.

More about our outreach and WP offer