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Yena Moon


Korea (South)
NTU has great facilities and knitwear design technicians from all over the world. Compared to London, the living cost in Nottingham is cheaper and the University facilities are bigger.

More about Yena

Can you tell us about your Masters project?
“My project is about body diversity – an investigation into the possibility of designing an inclusive knitwear collection without discriminating against body types. My project ‘Diversity of the body’ aims to provide one-size-fits-all garments, supporting the notion that we should accept all body sizes and types in our society. My inspiration came from my personal experience when applying to companies who placed more importance on dress size over design skills. Since then, my three key aims have been to live a happy and healthy life, identify current fashion styles, and explore future sustainable fashion trends. My methodology is to create functional and inclusive high-quality garments based on knit techniques, and encouraging body confidence in women of all sizes.”

What do you enjoy most about your course at NTU?
“Using various knitting machines was a great opportunity. Before I came here, I studied on a power knitting programme, but didn’t know how to knit on a domestic or dubied machine. It was helpful to understand how to use those machines too, as the CAD programmes made it more logical. Through my course, I have improved my technical knowledge of using various knitting machines ranging from dubied and Shima Seiki, to domestic and pearl machines. I gained a lot of knowledge about knitting techniques for every structure I created.”

What made you choose to study at NTU?
“The knitting facilities are important for when you make your final collection. NTU has great facilities and knitwear design technicians from all over the world. I used all the knitting machines available here, and even the linking and dyeing machine – it was a really good opportunity. Also, the tuition fee here is cheaper than London.”

As an international student, what do you like about studying and living in Nottingham?
“Compared to London, the living cost in Nottingham is cheaper and the University facilities are bigger. Since Bonington building is located in the city centre, there are many shops and restaurants close by.”

Have you been on any study/class trips?  
“I was lucky to be able to visit Italy and Paris while I was studying here. I went to Pitti Filati in Florence with my classmate. There were a lot of yarn companies there so it was a great experience to research yarn. I received yarn sponsorship from two companies, Filmar Network and Pinori Filati. I also went to Premiere Vision in Paris on a class trip, and got one more cotton yarn sponsorship.”

Why would you recommend your course to someone thinking of studying MA Fashion Knitwear Design?
“If you want to focus on your work and study, NTU is the best place because of its great facilities, which are available to Masters students any time.”

How do you think the course, and having a postgraduate qualification, will help you to progress your career?
“Studying in the UK demonstrates my English language skills, which will be helpful for my career. My MA Fashion Knitwear Design course is very specialised in the fashion industry, which is another good thing.”

How did you find out about NTU?
“One of my tutors in Korea studied at NTU, so she recommended the MA Fashion Knitwear Design course to me. I applied through EDM Education in Korea.”

How was your experience of the Pre-Sessional English for Academic Purposes (PEAP) course?  
“I attended a 6-week PEAP course. Some of the classes, such as citation, were useful when it came to writing my project proposal. Some of the lecturers were great and enthusiastic. We also went on a class trip to York which was nice.

“When it came to applying for a CAS and student visa, Student Services helped us a lot. They explained the application process and checked our documents before we submitted them.”

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