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Go Abroad

We want to encourage all our students to be global citizens, from the moment they join us through to their graduation and into employment. To help you develop the global perspectives and intercultural experiences valued by employers today, we offer plenty of opportunities for you to internationalise your learning while at NTU.

Mobility options

Research indicates that UK employers are increasingly seeking graduates who demonstrate international and intercultural awareness, an ability to work in multi-cultural teams and willingness to work internationally as part of their job.

Spending time abroad in a structured, subject focused work, study or voluntary placement can help develop global perspectives and intercultural experiences valued by employers today. Spending time abroad is also an enjoyable and personally enriching experience. You can learn another language, immerse yourself in a different culture and build an international network of friends.

Undergraduate students in the School of Science and Technology who take an international experience spend time abroad during year three of their course and return to NTU to complete their final year of study. There are also opportunities for an integrated period abroad during the summer.

There are several options available:

  • International work placement
  • Study plus traineeship
  • Summer schools
  • International volunteering

Students can take a sandwich work placement or a shorter summer placement. Once you’ve completed your placement and assessments you’ll be awarded a Placement Diploma in Professional Practice, an additional qualification to your degree.

Recent examples of international placements include:

  • CERN, The European organisation for nuclear research - Switzerland
  • Schlumberger - Norway
  • Pacific Conference of Churches - Fiji
  • Avans Hodgeschool - Breda, Holland
  • EADS Innovation Works - Germany

We have a number of exchange partnerships that offer combined study-work placements. These unique opportunities allow you to spend time, usually between three and four months studying relevant modules, followed by a placement of three months or more. During the study period, you select modules that diversify your subject learning and enable you to appreciate different approaches to your subject area.

Summer study schools offer you the chance to expand your knowledge and learn skills without forgoing study time in the UK. You could spend your summer learning a language, developing your lab practice all while developing international contacts.

If you prefer to spend a shorter period abroad, you might be interested in International Volunteering Opportunities. Our team runs a number of volunteering programmes. Sports Science students, for example, can participate in the Balls to Poverty scheme which sees volunteers visit poverty-stricken townships in South Africa to participate in community coaching sessions and the distribution of sports equipment in accordance with the Balls to Poverty traditions. These sessions help to keep children in townships out of trouble (previous tours have been said to contribute to falling crime rate) and bring together broken communities.

How to apply

Before applying, you will need to prepare thoroughly, deciding on your destination, budget and academic considerations.

An indicative application timeline is as follows:

  • October: Mobility Online Portal launches
  • October - November: Student research opportunities
  • November: Online applications open
  • January: Online applications close
  • February: Application outcomes communicated to students

NTU Global

The Clifton campus Global Lounge keeps up-to-date resources on international opportunities including funding. Look out for our information sessions or drop in any weekday between 10 am and 4 pm, enjoy a free drink, and learn about what you can do to internationalise your studies while at NTU.

Fees and funding

Funding and scholarships

You will be required to pay for your associated flight, accommodation, medical and travel insurance, any visas and living costs. Food and entertainment costs will differ depending on which country you choose to study in.

Students who are considering a placement for three months or more within the EU, Switzerland and Turkey and some other associated countries may be eligible for some funding to help cover travel and living expenses.

We do offer other sources of funding to support our students exploring a placement outside of Europe, such as the British Council's Generation UK-China initiative.

Students who study abroad as part of their course will not pay tuition fees to the partner institution, they will only pay fees for their course at the School of Science and Technology, here at NTU.

For more details about costs and funding options please visit our fees and funding page.