Dyslexia and other Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs)

Find out the support and available to students with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs).

Nottingham Trent University is committed to providing a fully inclusive learning environment for all students.

The SpLD Support Team offers advice and support to students with SpLDs such as:

  • Dyslexia
  • Dyspraxia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Irlen Syndrome

This support enables you to develop relevant skills and strategies over the course of your time at University, and to support you in achieving your full learning potential while studying here and in your future career.

The team of experienced professionals understand the many positives of SpLDs, and the areas where assistance may be useful to allow you to make the most of your university studies.

We offer advice on:

  • Applying for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs) to fund your support
  • DSA funded Specialist One to One Study Skills Support
  • How to access academic support within NTU, e.g., Library Study Support
  • How to implement reasonable adjustments as recommended in your evidence (e.g. extra time in exams)
  • Diagnostic evidence requirements

Advice sessions

We run regular advice sessions where students can speak to a specialist practitioner for advice, or ask questions, about such things as:

Dyslexia and other SpLDs

Book an advice session if you have a diagnosis of a specific learning difference.

I think I might be Dyslexic

Book a "Think you're Dyslexic?" advice session to find out about Dyslexia screening.

Please note that these sessions are for fully enrolled current NTU students only, however, applicants can also book appointments for sessions taking place between 7 June and 8 October. For applicant enquiries outside of these dates, please refer yourself into the service by completing this form.

Specialist one-to-one study skills support

Specialist one-to-one support is available to students who are in receipt of Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs). It is important to note that we are not able to give subject specific guidance.

We provide one-to-one support sessions that are tailored to your needs and develop your skills in:

  • Understanding your thinking and learning style
  • Writing: Planning, drafting, editing, proof-reading strategies
  • Time management and organisation: Meeting deadlines, handing in on time, action plans, sorting your diary
  • Skill development: Reading and spelling skills, comprehension, note-taking, reading fluency, research
  • Presentations: Plan – Revise – Rehearse, posters, PowerPoint
  • Planning and structuring techniques: Mind mapping, prioritising
  • Examination and assessments: Revision techniques, memory, sign-posting to useful sources of support for stress management, managing your extra time
  • Use of assistive technologies

Exams and assessments

Your access statement will be shared with your academic school and the exams team at NTU.

Examination arrangements

You must provide sufficient evidence, confirm your examination arrangements and have an access statement in place prior to exam deadlines. Please see the exam web pages for important information, such as the deadline dates for the submission of individual exam arrangements and your responsibilities as a student.

If your assessment report recommends the use of a PC, scribe or reader in exams, you must confirm your exam arrangements with us before your access statement is agreed. It is important that you attend an advice session to discuss this further.

Please be aware that if we have not had your medical evidence by the end of January, you may not get your arrangements put in place for the end of year exams.

Extensions to coursework deadlines

Students with SpLDs should endeavour to hand in work within the usual deadline period. Having extra time to complete a piece of coursework will mean less time to plan and prepare for other assignments. It may lead to building up a backlog of outstanding work, creating further pressure and anxiety for you later on in the term. It can also cause difficulty with group projects. The Dyslexia Support team can offer you advice in managing workloads. If you have DSA funding for one-to-one support, we recommend that you access it in order to assist with planning and organising your workload.

If, however, you are having difficulty meeting a deadline for written coursework, you should refer to your programme handbook for information about your academic school extension policy. You should adhere to school procedure and request any extensions in advance of the deadline.

Diagnosis and medical evidence

We will require formal evidence of your Specific Learning Difficulty in order to put exam adjustments or one-to-one support in place. We will require this evidence before the start of your course. Please forward your documentation to us even if you are awaiting exam results.


This will be a photocopy of a full diagnostic assessment written by a qualified assessor who holds an approved qualification and is either:

  • A specialist teacher assessor holding a current SpLD Assessment Practising Certificate (APC); or
  • A practitioner psychologist registered with the HCPC


If you have been diagnosed with dyspraxia or ADHD, or have been referred and are on a waiting list, we will need written confirmation from a medical professional or a GP with a clear indication of the impact on your studies. Alternatively, you can take this form to your GP and ask them to complete it for you. All evidence needs to be sent to the dyslexia support team.

Undiagnosed SpLD

If you have no formal diagnosis but have had exam arrangements at school or college, then they will have completed a Form 8 to put these in place. We will need a copy of your Form 8 from your school indicating that you had exam arrangements if you need these in place at university.

Please note that you will be unable to apply for Disabled Students Allowance with a Form 8 as this is not the equivalent of a diagnosis.

I think I might be dyslexic

If you are an applicant and you think you may be dyslexic, we strongly advise you get assessed before you start at university as waiting until you get here will significantly delay your support being put in place.

If you are a current student, please book a "Think you're dyslexic?" advice session here to discuss your options.

Frequently asked questions

What do I need to tell the NTU SpLD support team before I begin my studies?

We want to make sure that all our students get the most from university life. By telling us about your SpLD as early as possible, we can identify any support that you might need. Ideally, tell us about your SpLD on your UCAS application form or NTU application. You're not obliged to tell us about your SpLD, but if you choose not to, you may not be able to access the full range of support available.

What formal evidence of my Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD) will I need?

We will require formal evidence of your SpLD in order to put exam adjustments or one-to-one support in place. We will require this evidence before the start of your course. Please forward your documentation to us even if you are awaiting exam results.
For dyslexia, this will be a photocopy of a full diagnostic assessment written by a qualified assessor who holds an approved qualification and is either:

  • A specialist teacher assessor holding a current SpLD Assessment Practising Certificate (APC); or
  • A practitioner psychologist registered with the HCPC

Dyspraxia may be assessed by medical professionals, in which case we will need written confirmation from them of the diagnosis, and a clear indication of the impact on your studies.

What if I do not have formal evidence of my Specific Learning Difficulty?

You will need to obtain a formal diagnosis, as stated above, before you enrol at NTU. This is to enable us to put your support in place before you start your course. If you require guidance regarding the assessment required by Student Finance for an application for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs), please look at the SASC website or the DirectGov website. If you require further advice about your documentation, we recommend that you contact us to discuss this further. If you are a current student, please attend an advice session to discuss evidence requirements.

International students

If you are an international student with an SpLD, please provide us with a copy in English of a full, recent, professional assessment report, as soon as possible after accepting a place on your course. We can then consider any recommendations made in the assessment report.

How do I set up my exam adjustments?

When you forward your documentation to the SpLD support team, you must specify the exam recommendations you would like as outlined in your evidence. We are unable to include recommendations that are not detailed in your evidence.

Please be aware that the NTU exams team observe deadlines for notification of students requiring additional exam arrangements such as extra time in exams. If you require additional exam arrangements you must forward evidence to support this.

Any adjustments recommended after published exam deadlines will not be implemented until the following exam period. Further information is available on our exam pages.

How do I forward my evidence to the NTU SpLD support team?

Please scan and email your documentation to us.

What will happen once I forward my evidence?

The SpLD specialists will review your diagnostic assessment report. We will share a summary of appropriate recommendations, including exam adjustments, with relevant areas of the university.

This document is called an access statement. We will send a copy of your access statement to your NTU email address. Please see the information here for more information.

Disabled Students' Allowances (DSAs) to fund your support

DSAs are intended to cover any additional support you may need while you are studying, including one-to-one support. Find out how to apply for DSA.

Are you an existing student experiencing difficulties on your course?

The academic challenge of university can sometimes highlight difficulties that you have not experienced before. You may have experienced difficulties with spelling, composing assignments, or reading academic texts. However, difficulties in these areas do not necessarily mean you are dyslexic. To support your learning there are a number of self-help resources that we recommend.

To find out more information about dyslexia, or other SpLDs such as dyspraxia or ADHD, please look at the following websites:

If you continue to experience difficulties, and want further advice, please attend an advice session with a dyslexia specialist.

Self help

There are a wide variety of resources available to assist your studies at NTU.

Course related advice

  • Use any study support that is offered within your academic school. Details will be included in your module learning rooms on NOW.
  • Make sure you understand each assignment and be confident about asking for help early on.
  • Discuss any initial feedback from assessments with your tutor.
  • Check your course handbook for subject specific advice regarding referencing.

Library support

  • Check out the library pages for useful information about support available from the library's learning and teaching team, including academic writing support and maths support.
  • Want to find out more about researching for information, study skills, academic writing and maths? Check out the library events programme and book online.
  • Need to talk to somebody one-to-one about your studies? Book an appointment with one of the library’s learning and teaching librarians, academic skills advisers or student Mmentors. They also have bookable appointments for maths and statistics support.

General study support

  • Check out the study support pages.
  • The SOS website has information regarding exam stress.
  • Check out the resources on NOW under the student help tab. There are lots of useful resources covering managing your time, writing, referencing, copyright and plagiarism, presentation skills, maths and statistics.
  • There is also valuable information on the skills for success website.

Assistive technologies

  • Utilise available assistive technology resources which are free to download.
  • Use the assistive technology applications that are available on all resource room PCs.
  • Texthelp is text-to-speech software, which may be useful for checking your work.
  • Inspiration and MindGenius are mind-mapping applications that can help you plan your ideas. Both Inspiration and MindGenius can convert these mind maps into easy-to-follow essay plans. Ask at the library information desks to find out how to access these applications.
  • If you have been allocated assistive equipment and software through the DSA, make sure you access the training you have been awarded, and use the provision to support your study and learning.

External resources

  • You may also find it helpful to consult The Study Skills Handbook 4th edition by Stella Cottrell (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013).
  • There are some good support resources developed for dyslexic students in higher education by the University of Sheffield.

Academic appeals

Please see the academic appeals pages for information regarding notification of exceptional circumstances, reconsideration requests and academic appeals. If you are required to submit a notification of exceptional circumstances please see our student support services for guidance.

Nottingham Trent Students' Union Advice Centre

Please see the Nottingham Trent Students' Union website for information regarding the advice and information provided by the student advice centre.

  • Last updated: 21/05/2024