Making a complaint

Find out about our student complaints procedure and the NTSU Peer Support Scheme.

Peer Support Scheme

Nottingham Trent Students' Union (NTSU) operates a Peer Support Scheme. The scheme can help you by offering support from students with similar experiences, problems or conditions to you. The scheme is free, confidential and independent from the University. Book an appointment if you feel you need support.

You can also seek independent advice from the NTSU Information and Advice Service (IAS). You can do so at any stage of the complaints process.

Report + Support

Everyone at Nottingham Trent University has the right to feel safe. That applies whether you're studying, working, or visiting.

Please tell us if you, or someone you know, has experienced or witnessed:

  • sexual assault
  • harassment
  • bullying
  • a hate incident.

Make your report through Report + Support.

You can report anonymously if you prefer. However, if you'd like us to investigate your report, you must provide your contact details.

Complaints process

You may have concerns about an aspect of your learning experience. If so, you can use the complaints procedure for students. This will bring your concerns to the attention of the relevant staff. We can then investigate your complaint with the aim of resolving it successfully.

This process is available to almost all students.

It is not available to:

  • doctoral candidates
  • students at partner institutions.

There are three levels to the procedure.

  • Level 1: early resolution at local level
  • Level 2: formal stage
  • complaint review.

The following sections outline:

  • how to submit a complaint, and
  • the relevant timescales involved.

See the student complaints procedure to ensure you understand the process.

Level 1: early resolution at local level

We can resolve most complaints locally. This is usually the most useful and effective means of addressing your concerns.

You should raise your complaint within 60 days of the cause for concern. Use the level 1 complaint form and supply any supporting evidence. If you have any queries, direct them to the relevant Academic School or department. See the student complaint key contacts list.

We'll acknowledge your complaint via email within five working days of receiving it. You'll receive an outcome via email within 20 working days of receipt. If it isn't possible for us to respond in time, we'll provide an alternative timescale.

Level 2: formal stage

After following level 1, you may remain dissatisfied. You may feel we haven't resolved your complaint. If so, you may wish to escalate your complaint to the formal stage.

In that case, submit the level 2 complaint form and any supporting evidence. You must do so within 10 working days of receiving the outcome of your level 1 complaint. For level 2 queries, email Student Complaints.

We'll acknowledge your complaint within five working days. You'll receive an outcome within 30 working days of receipt. If it isn't possible for us to respond in time, we'll provide an alternative timescale.

Complaint review

You may also remain dissatisfied with the outcome of your level 2 complaint. If so, you may be able to request a complaint review. See the grounds on which you can do this in section 9 of our student complaints procedure.

If you meet these grounds, complete the complaint review form. Submit it along with any supporting evidence. You must do so within 10 working days of receiving your level 2 outcome. If you have any queries, email Student Complaints.

We'll acknowledge your complaint within five working days. You'll receive an outcome within 15 working days of receipt. If it isn't possible for us to respond in time, we'll provide an alternative timescale.

Office of the Independent Adjudicator

You may request an independent external review of your case if:

  • you don't meet the grounds for a complaint review, or
  • you're not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint review.

The Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) for higher education will conduct the review.

The University will issue you with a Completion of Procedures letter. You have 12 months from the date of this letter to request an OIA review. Find out more about the OIA.

  • Last updated: 01/07/2024