End-point assessment

Learn more about our End-Point Assessment (EPA) to achieve your apprenticeship. The EPA assesses your knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) that have been learnt throughout the programme.

End-Point Assessment Explained

To achieve your apprenticeship, you are must successfully complete an end-point assessment (EPA). The EPA is a synoptic assessment of your knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) that have been learnt throughout the apprenticeship programme and as specified within the apprenticeship standard. The objective of the EPA is to ensure that you have reached the occupational competencies as outlined in the Standard.

The EPA is the final thing that you will complete as an apprentice and are administered by an approved End-Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) who is listed on the Register of End-Point Assessment Organisations (RoEPAO).

Each EPA is different and details of the assessment can be found by searching for your apprenticeship on the apprenticeship standards section of the IfATE website.

Types of apprenticeships

In terms of EPA, there are two types of apprenticeship, non-integrated and integrated.


In non-integrated apprenticeships, the EPA is administered by an independent organisation, separate from NTU, and is awarded separately from the academic award that you have been studying in your off-the-job training.


In integrated apprenticeships, the EPA is delivered by NTU and is usually linked to the academic award that you have been studying whilst in your off-the-job training. The assessment is conducted by someone who has not been involved in the delivery of your apprenticeship.

  • Last updated: 05/12/2022