Break in learning

Find out more about taking a break in learning during your apprenticeship, and the scenarios and criteria required for taking official leave from your studies.

What is a break in learning?

A break in learning is an authorised break in your training where you “pause” your apprenticeship training. If you can answer ‘yes’ to all the following questions, then this would constitute as a break in learning:

  • Is there no plan for any active learning to occur within a calendar month? (inclusive of English/Maths training where applicable)
  • Do you plan to return to the same apprenticeship after your break in learning?
  • Do you intend to stay with your current employer while having a break from the training?
  • Does your employer agree that you can return to the apprenticeship with them after your break in training?
  • The reason for the break and its expected duration must be discussed with your employer. This could include medical treatment, parental leave or leave for other personal reasons.

A short-term absence (including strikes), annual leave and public holidays would not be classed as a break in learning, where you are able to continue actively learning each calendar month. A break in learning longer than 12 months is not allowed.

While you are on a break in learning, you will not be able to access any University resources such as attending lectures, placements, laboratories, workshops etc. Access to the University’s IT Services and the library, however, is still possible.

It should be noted that should you fail to have any active learning for two consecutive months, without prior notice of a break in learning, that a break in learning will be retroactively applied.

Deciding if you should take a break in learning

When making your decision, it’s important that you discuss your options with your employer apprentice mentor, line manager and workplace tutor. A break in learning should only be considered when all other options have been exhausted.

If you decide that a break in learning is required, you should try and apply before the start date of the authorised absence wherever possible, and no later than one month after the proposed start date.

How to apply for a break in learning

We recommend you only complete the break in study request form once you have sought advice, and:

  1. fully understand the implications that taking a break in learning may have,
  2. if you have not already done so, see the information above and get advice before proceeding. You must agree a return date with your academic school.

The form requires a Nottingham Trent University (NTU) login. All current and enrolled students should complete the form via the link below. If you are not currently enrolled, please contact your School Administration Team who will be able to assist you in completing a request.

Complete the break in study request form.

If your break in learning application is unlikely to be authorised (by your employer and / or course team) before an assessment decision, then please follow the NEC (Notice of Extenuating Circumstances) process.

Returning to your study after a break in learning

Before you return to your apprenticeship training, your course leader will send you two recall emails asking you to confirm your return. If you fail to respond, they will notify the NTU Apprenticeships Team who will engage with your employer to prompt a response.

Where possible, you will have the same workplace tutor, unless personnel have changed or left the University.

To be re-instated, you need to ensure that you have fulfilled any conditions of return as outlined in your authorisation email.

If the reason for your break in learning was medical, you will need to provide confirmation that you are fit to study, details of which will be in your authorisation email.

  • Last updated: 29/05/2024