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Rebecca Procter — Accommodation Assistant

From being a student at NTU to becoming a full-time employee, Rebecca has always felt that it’s a special place to be. She’s looking forward to what the future holds.

I’ve been really impressed by the development opportunities available to me, I’ve undertaken a variety of training to develop personally and professionally.

I started working in the Student Accommodation Services (SAS) team as a student recruited to support with Clearing in 2021 — I loved it so much I applied to join the team full time. Since then, I’ve been really impressed by the development opportunities available to me, I’ve undertaken a variety of training to develop personally and professionally. Everyone here in SAS has been so willing to help me learn the role and answer any questions I may have.

My job involves me being the first line of response to students and applicants with questions about accommodation here at NTU. I also work on the social media content for our department. My favourite thing about my team is the relationships between members, which is fantastic. Everyone is friendly and supportive and always willing to lend a hand.

My line manager has been hugely supportive every step of the way; from helping me learn the role, to ensuring I’ve got the right adjustments in place as a disabled member of staff, to helping me find the right development opportunities to progress my career.

Outside of my normal job, an activity that I’ve been involved in is with the EDI group in Campus Services, where we discuss with members of staff across the wider department ways in which we can improve diversity within our teams.

From being a student at NTU, to becoming a full time employee, I’ve always felt that this is a special place to be, I’m looking forward to what the future holds.