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Kim Cummings — Project Coordinator

NTU provides the tools for our employees to develop new and existing skills. These have enabled Kim to grow both professionally and personally.

I began my journey at NTU in 2018, as a temporary Project Administrator, helping to organise and run NTU’s first Colleague Conference – this role then expanded, and I became a PA for the Head of Department. I applied to work here because I was looking for a career change and was determined to develop my skills. Since then, NTU has enabled me to grow both professionally and personally.

After the success of the Colleague Conference, my contract was extended for a further 12 months, during that time I developed skills that I never even knew I had, which gave me a new boost of confidence. I was then given the opportunity to become a permanent member of NTU.

My role now is to support the delivery of key operational and strategic projects and initiatives, with a specific focus on Culture and Engagement. I love the variety of working on multiple projects and connecting with a range of colleagues who possess key skills across the wider organisation.

I love the variety of working on multiple projects and connecting with a range of colleagues who possess key skills across the wider organisation.

In terms of activities outside of my normal role, I’ve been able to do some voluntary work, which is an amazing experience. I would encourage anyone to speak to CenCSE to see how they can get involved and give back to the community. Also, I’m a member of NTU gym, which is great value for money and NTU Sport colleagues are always on hand to help or give advice.

I struggled with working from home at first, I missed the office, my colleagues and the buzz of our students that you felt in and around campus. However, for me, it was all about finding the right balance and having a routine – being able to come back on to campus a few days a week has enabled me to reconnect with colleagues face-to-face and find that healthy work / life balance.

The support at NTU is great. There is always someone to help, whether that be work, wellbeing or finding out information. I’m very proud to be part of NTU! The atmosphere and sense of community is what makes NTU such a great place to work.

There are so many things that make NTU special. For me personally, it’s the people, our passion and positivity.

I’m very proud to be part of NTU! The atmosphere and sense of community is what makes NTU such a great place to work.