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Thinking of leaving

We’d be very sorry to see you leave.

Our charity exists to protect and care for special places across Scotland, and we couldn’t do it without our supporters.

Your generosity allows us to undertake vital work such as maintaining mountain footpaths so they remain accessible, making vital repairs to our historic castles and palaces, and restoring landscapes to help native wildlife flourish.

Your membership enables you to experience the very best of Scotland while protecting its nature, beauty and heritage, so that our special places can be enjoyed by everyone now and in the future.

Membership benefits

If you cancel your National Trust for Scotland membership, you’ll miss out on many benefits:

  • Free entry to over 100 National Trust for Scotland places
  • Free or concessionary entry to places owned by National Trust organisations worldwide, including in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
  • Free parking in our car parks
  • Subscription to our award-winning member magazine
  • Access to member-only promotions and exclusive events

How can I cancel my membership?

If you’d like to cancel your membership, please get in touch using our contact form, quoting your membership number.