Faces Of NPR: Yuki Noguchi : NPR Extra An Inside Look into NPR's Business Correspondent, Yuki Noguchi.

Faces Of NPR: Yuki Noguchi

Emma Newburger/NPR
Emma Newburger/NPR
Emma Newburger/NPR

Faces Of NPR is a weekly feature that showcases the people behind NPR, from the voices you hear every day on the radio to the ones who work outside of the recording studio. You'll find out about what they do and what they're inspired by on the daily. This week's post features NPR's Business Correspondent, Yuki Noguchi.

The Basics:

Name: Yuki Noguchi

Twitter Handle: @yukinoguchi

Job Title: Business Correspondent

Where You're From: St. Louis, MO

An Inside Look:

You're a Business Correspondent. What does that mean?

Finding (or trying to find!) the best/most important stories to tell, the most qualified/interesting people to tell them, sometimes taking photos, and writing a piece for our air. Or, it means I discuss the news with hosts or file stories that only appear online.

How did you get started here?

I started at The Washington Post, which was a rigorous (sink/swim) training ground for learning reporting and writing on tight deadlines. Print reporting is a lot less complicated from a logistical and production standpoint (no microphones, sound quality problems), but I've found writing and reporting for radio lends itself to a ton of creativity.

What's your favorite #nprlife moment?

Just one? Knowing I've captured the perfect moment on tape. (Happy dance!) Nailing tight deadlines (adrenaline, followed by relief). Hearing people blast NPR in their cars. Working with David Greene, Reena Advani, Sara Goo - my first friends in DC - sometimes on the same story. Just to name a few...

What are some interesting projects you've worked on?

The financial crisis (harrowing). Japanese earthquake and tsunami (heartbreaking, devastating). Prisoner education and job training (inspiring).

Emma Newburger/NPR
Emma Newburger/NPR
Emma Newburger/NPR

First thing you do when you get to the office?

Not on deadline: Fire up my computer, get some tea with milk.

On deadline: Fire up computer, frenetically send emails, make calls, set up interviews, frantically put a story together, get some tea with milk.

What are you inspired by?

Inspiration has never come from one place for me. I'm not someone who had an idol growing up. Fairly frequently, though, I will interview a person who says something profound and I find inspiration from that.

Favorite Tiny Desk?

I'm usually on deadline and can't make them! But I did make time for Yo-Yo Ma, because I was a cellist growing up and because he's always seemed like a mensch.

What's on your desk?

As little as possible. And a cooling mug of tea with milk.

Favorite podcast?

I really like the unique and educational aspect of the Hidden Brain podcasts. I learn so much about why we behave the way we do and all of the different factors that impact our personalities.

Favorite places in Washington D.C.?

The National Mall on an early spring day.

What do you love about public radio?

How relatable it makes the world.