Faces Of NPR: Laura Roman : NPR Extra An Inside Look into NPR's Social Media Strategist, Laura Roman.

Faces Of NPR: Laura Roman

Emily Sullivan/NPR
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Emily Sullivan/NPR

Faces Of NPR is a weekly feature that showcases the people behind NPR, from the voices you hear every day on the radio to the ones who work outside of the recording studio. You'll find out about what they do and what they're inspired by on the daily. This week's post features NPR's Social Media Strategist, Laura Roman.

The Basics:

Name: Laura Roman

Twitter Handle: @LauraRom95

Job Title: Social Media Strategist at Morning Edition

Where You're From: Great Falls, Virginia

An Inside Look:

You're a social media strategist. What does that mean?

Essentially, I manage all things social for Morning Edition and Up First, whether that is the daily tweets and Facebook posts, or coming up with social media plans for show series or stories. I also help with the digital production of stories by helping with hosts trips, writing out stories for the web or working with the homepage editors.

How did you get started here? Or what advice do you have for someone who wants a job like yours?

I started as an intern on the social media desk in the fall of 2016, and temped with Morning Edition for two months before I was hired on full time. I don't think that I am in the advice giving stage of my life quite yet, but what I remind myself every day is to just work harder than the previous day; my goal is to leave work feeling like I gave the day 110 percent. This is generally my mantra for everything I do, or try to do.

If you want to work in social or digital media, I think you have to develop an understanding for your audience, or any audience. Once you can find out how to engage with your audience, you can do just about anything. This comes with time and practice and lots of experimenting.

Laura's desk. Emily Sullivan/NPR hide caption

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Emily Sullivan/NPR

Laura's desk.

Emily Sullivan/NPR

What's your favorite #nprlife moment?

Working on the NPR Snapchat was definitely a neat experience. My favorite Snapchat was probably the election night story. The story was long — it spanned from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. — giving every update imaginable, trying to keep our audience informed. But my favorite part of that experience was how open all of the reporters in the newsroom where to doing a quick spot on Snapchat throughout the night — even Nina Totenberg!

What are some cool things you've worked on?

I co-hosted a Facebook live NCAA Tournament Bracket show with Joe Ruiz where we had our audience fill out the bracket. The live broadcast lasted more than three hours I believe. While the broadcast itself was awesome, the work that went into it really inspired me. The video team here at NPR really hustles and makes incredible content. It was cool to be a part of all the work that went into one of NPR's bigger Facebook live shoots; from the research and brainstorming stage to the final few minutes of the broadcast, everyone worked together as a team, and you can't ask for anything better than that.

I am also on the Up First podcast team. I mainly manage the Twitter account for Up First, along with other digital duties. Launching the podcast was one of my favorite work moments. And while the podcast itself is very cool, the people who work so hard to bring it to its daily audience are even cooler, in my opinion. Working side by side with such dedicated people may in fact be the coolest part of my job.

What's on your desk?

A bobblehead of Ron Swanson, a pop toy of Louise from Bob's Burgers, Matryoshka dolls that Gabriela Saldivia brought me from Russia, and some dying plants.

Favorite podcast?

Up First, duh.

Favorite Tiny Desk?


What's your motto?

"One of my New Year's resolutions is to say 'yes.' Yes to love, yes to life, yes to staying in more." — Liz Lemon, 30 Rock

What are you inspired by right now?

I have been rewatching The Office for the past few weeks, does that count?

What do you love about public radio?

The people. It is that obvious yet? I love working in public radio because of the perspective everyone brings to their work. We place such great importance on the conversations we have on air, on NPR.org, on social and even in the workplace. We take great pride in connecting with our audience.

Emily Sullivan/NPR
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Emily Sullivan/NPR