Faces Of NPR: Muhammad Khan : NPR Extra An Inside Look into NPR West's IT Support Specialist, Muhammad Khan.

Faces Of NPR: Muhammad Khan

Melissa Kuypers/NPR
Melissa Kuypers/NPR

Faces Of NPR is a weekly feature that showcases the people behind NPR, from the voices you hear every day on the radio to the ones who work outside of the recording studio. You'll find out about what they do and what they're inspired by on the daily. This week's post features NPR West's IT Support Specialist, Muhammad Khan.

The Basics:

Name: Muhammad Khan

Twitter Handle: I don't use Twitter.

Job Title: IT Support Specialist

Where You're From: Arlington, VA

An Inside Look:

You're an IT Support Specialist at NPR West. What does that mean?

It means that I have to be able to support a variety of technical (and some non-technical) issues that arise here at the NPR West office. Since we have a limited operational support team here in the NPR West office each of us have to take on multiple roles, most days I work with end users to provide technical support and other days I could be working on anything from running wires across the building to troubleshooting outages with hardware and software systems.

Melissa Kuypers/NPR
at work
Melissa Kuypers/NPR

How did you get started here?

I originally started working in the DC office and was asked if I wanted to move to the West coast to provide support here, since I loved the environment and good people of NPR West I accepted without hesitation!

What advice do you have for someone who wants a job like yours?

For upcoming technicians, my advice would be to stay open minded and accept that there is a lot to learn. I am constantly learning new technologies and processes. Also, it helps to have a positive attitude when dealing with difficult technical issues, learn from your peers and be willing to jump into any situation.

Courtesy of Muhammed Khan
Courtesy of Muhammed Khan

What's your favorite #nprlife moment?

I have seen many famous actors come through NPR West, but my favorite moment would have to be when I met Shaquille O'Neal. We were just ending a meeting, and I saw a tall man walk past the door. It was awesome meeting him, and I felt tiny standing next to him!

What are some cool things you've worked on?

Most of my accomplishments are in the back end with systems or processes so it's difficult to explain the final result. One thing with NPR that I have worked on is the Self Service Portal.

Melissa Kuypers/NPR
at work 2
Melissa Kuypers/NPR

First thing you do when you get to the office?

Emails! I read through and see if anything broke down overnight and if anyone needs any immediate help.

What's on your desk?

Melissa Kuypers/NPR
Melissa Kuypers/NPR

As a technician, you could probably guess how messy my desk would be. I have monitors, desktops, laptops and many other items in different states of completion.

Favorite podcast?

I really like the unique and educational aspect of the Hidden Brain podcasts, I learn so much about why we behave the way we do and all of the different factors that impact our personalities.

Favorite places in Culver City, CA?

Since I am new to the area, I would say the Culver City strip. It is such a peaceful and lively place to walk, and the Culver Hotel as well as all the restaurants and shops around it give it an energizing feel. You can sit outside having lunch on a beautiful sunny day.

What do you love about public radio?

I love the wide range of topics and views that public radio covers. One hour you could be listening to a segment about education and the next hour it could be about ancient economies in the middle East.