All Things Considered for December 11, 2023 Hear the All Things Considered program for December 11, 2023

All Things Considered

NASA astronaut Frank Rubio checks tomato plants growing inside the International Space Station for a space botany study. Koichi Wakata/Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency/NASA hide caption

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Koichi Wakata/Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency/NASA


Houston, we have a tomato: ISS astronauts locate missing fruit (or vegetable)

A missing tomato sparked a lighthearted mystery for the astronauts on board the International Space Station — and it's finally been solved after months of accusations and intrigue.

Anne Sansevero discusses a client with one of her nurses, Beau Romero. Sansevero has seven employees in her growing private care management business in New York City. Ashley Milne-Tyte/for NPR hide caption

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Ashley Milne-Tyte/for NPR

These pros help keep ailing, aging loved ones safe — but it's a costly service

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NASA astronaut Frank Rubio checks tomato plants growing inside the International Space Station for a space botany study. Koichi Wakata/Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency/NASA hide caption

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Koichi Wakata/Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency/NASA

Houston, we have a tomato: ISS astronauts locate missing fruit (or vegetable)

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Doug Layton, Jr. shows a trailer full of equipment he's acquired since being released from prison. He says he does painting and home repairs on the side, "trying to be productive in society." Debbie Elliott/NPR hide caption

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Debbie Elliott/NPR

Seeking redemption for aged and infirm prisoners amid Alabama's high bar for parole

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All Things Considered