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Kiwi high jump champ and Paris Olympian Hamish Kerrโ€™s secret weapon

The record-breaking Kiwi is by leaps and bounds our shoo-in for the Paris podium
Hamish Kerr sitting on a high-jump mat with the pole across his lap

Hamish Kerr was just seven years old when he watched New Zealand triathlete Hamish Carter win a gold medal at the Athens Olympics in 2004. Twenty years on, the world indoor high jump champion and 2022 Commonwealth Games gold medal winner is one of New Zealandโ€™s brightest track and field gold medal hopes as he prepares to head to Paris for the 2024 Olympics.

โ€œI always loved athletics at primary school. Over the years, I took it more and more seriously as I realised I could be pretty good at it!โ€ smiles the 1.98-metre athlete.

โ€œAs a child, I was always outside playing sports. I played football and rugby mainly, then athletics in the summer.

โ€œBut it wasnโ€™t until I equalled the then-national high jump record of 2.30 metres in 2019 that I truly realised the dream of being an Olympian could be achieved.โ€

The Christchurch-based star, whose 2.36-metre jump in Glasgow in March secured him not just gold, but also the highest jump of the year worldwide, is spurred on by a small village of supporters, including his father Andrew, mum Bridget, girlfriend and fellow high-performance athlete Maddie Wilson, 22, and his best friend-turned-coach James Sandilands.

Hamish flying the New Zealand flag after his Commonwealth win
Bring it on! Hamish says he โ€œloves the feeling when all the hard work pays offโ€.

โ€œIโ€™ve looked up to Mum and Dad my whole life,โ€ says Hamish, 27. His mum Bridget is a speech therapist, and dad Andrew is a cardiologist at Aucklandโ€™s Middlemore Hospital. โ€œI didnโ€™t idolise athletes when I was growing up. But Dadโ€™s work ethic and his commitment to achieving his goals is as strong as any athlete Iโ€™ve ever met. Heโ€™s the perfect example of how the habits and routines of high performers can be found in anyone, not just Olympians.โ€

When heโ€™s on the track, having his best mate by his side has been a huge asset for Hamish as he prepares for Paris and, hopefully, an Olympic medal.

โ€œJames and I competed together at high school, but we didnโ€™t really know each other as I grew up in Auckland and he was from Timaru. I always looked up to him as he was so much better than me!

โ€œWhen I moved to Christchurch to train full-time in 2018, I met him again at the track. He happened to have a spare room available at his flat when I was looking for somewhere to live. James, his now-wife Hannah and I all lived together for about two years and became close.โ€

Hamish standing between his parents, both of them looking up at their smiling son
With parents Andrew and Bridget.

At the time, James was transitioning from being an athlete to a coach. He joined Hamishโ€™s support team as a biomechanist โ€“ someone who studies the mechanical aspects of human motion, helping to improve athletesโ€™ performance and reduce injury.

โ€œI never thought I wanted him as my coach as we are such close friends. I didnโ€™t want to jeopardise the relationship,โ€ admits Hamish. โ€œBut when my old coach decided to step back, he was the perfect person to step into the role.โ€

Once they step away from work, though, the pair make time to just hang out โ€“ as he does with Maddie, with whom he also trains.

โ€œWe spend a lot of time together, in training and out,โ€ says Hamish. He describes his perfect day โ€œat the beach sunbathing with a good book and a nice meal out with Maddieโ€.

But at the moment, the focus for Hamish and his team is making the most of every minute.

โ€œThere are so many ways to be an amazing athlete,โ€ he explains. โ€œFor me, itโ€™s about optimism and discipline. A lot of my training is very repetitive, so discipline and not straying from your routine is vital.โ€

Hamish with his arm around girlfriend Maddie's shoulder
With girlfriend Maddie.

He does, however, have one Achillesโ€™ heel โ€“ food.

โ€œIn terms of nutrition, Iโ€™m not as strict as youโ€™d probably think,โ€ he says. โ€œI focus on having three good meals a day โ€“ especially breakfast โ€“ and not having too many unhealthy snacks. Thatโ€™s easier said than done as I love snacking. Whether itโ€™s a bag of lollies, a block of chocolate or a bag of chips, sign me up!โ€

While that all-important Olympic medal is a focus for Hamish, itโ€™s not the main thing heโ€™s looking forward to. The talented athlete says heโ€™s just looking forward to competing on the world stage.

โ€œCovid made the last Olympics pretty restricted. This time Iโ€™m really looking forward to experiencing the buzz of Paris as Olympic fever ignites the city,โ€ he says. โ€œIโ€™m so looking forward to it. I love the feeling when all the hard work pays off. When you win at a competition or achieve a personal best.โ€

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