Other states lower age for COVID vaccine eligibility. When will New Jersey follow?

Portrait of Scott Fallon Scott Fallon

If you live in New York and are at least 50 years old, you became eligible Tuesday to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

If you live in Connecticut, not only can you get a vaccine if you're at least 45 years old, but on April 5 eligibility will essentially be opened to everyone, since appointments will become available to those 16 years and older.

But if you live in New Jersey, the vaccine eligibility threshold remains at 65 and older for the time being, as Gov. Phil Murphy's administration concentrates on getting shots to more essential workers regardless of age.

"As it relates to other states, you know, we're taking the approach we're taking," Murphy said Monday.

The tri-state area is a microcosm of the patchwork system for vaccine eligibility seen throughout the U.S. There are no uniform standards on who becomes eligible and when, despite recommendations from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For a group of states packed together, it means people living mere miles apart must abide by wildly different vaccination rules.

"Opening availability is always a balance of supply and demand," said Dr. Mark Jarrett, senior vice president of Northwell Health, New York's largest health care provider. "Many essential workers in New York have already been eligible, so it is a slightly different situation than New Jersey. The ultimate goal is to get as many people vaccinated as soon as possible."

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While all states began the vaccine rollout by inoculating health care workers and nursing home residents first, New York and Connecticut started to open appointments to the elderly in January by staggering age groups, beginning with the most vulnerable, those 75 years and older.

Murphy instead opened eligibility on Jan. 14 to an estimated 4 million people in one day: those 65 years and older, those with underlying conditions, and smokers — a move that created an enormous logjam. 

Seniors, who make up 80% of New Jersey's COVID death toll, were forced to compete with young, more tech-savvy residents for a limited supply of the world's most coveted product. 

More than two months later, seniors like Paulette McCormack, 80, of Spring Lake are still struggling to get a shot in New Jersey.

"I’m my mother’s health care proxy, and it is terrible that I can’t even protect her myself," Katherine McCormack-Grange, Paulette's daughter, said Monday. "I feel helpless."

New Jersey had given more than 3 million shots by the time Murphy expanded the vaccine pool again last week to include teachers, transportation workers and other groups. Another group of essential workers becomes eligible on Monday. A full list is below.

"There is still a big supply-demand imbalance, which is better than it was, but still an imbalance," Murphy said Monday when asked about lowering the eligibility age. "So we're trying to as methodically and doggedly get to as good a place as we can."

But the virus is spreading in New Jersey faster than any other place in the U.S.

The state was leading the country in the rate of new COVID cases, with 319 cases per 100,000 residents Tuesday, up from 293 on Friday and almost triple the national average, according to data from the CDC. 

Hospitalizations and other key metrics have plateaued in March after taking a sharp decline in the prior two months, in a sign that more contagious COVID variants may be widespread in New Jersey.

"We are back to leading the nation in the spread of this virus," Murphy said Monday. 

Story continues below graph.

Murphy said it was unlikely that he would ease more restrictions. He is expecting a deluge of doses within the next few weeks — including a large shipment of the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine — to help drive new COVID case numbers down.

McCormack-Grange hopes to get her widowed mom an appointment before then. She has enlisted the aid of a volunteer who is among hundreds of New Jerseyans helping make appointments for seniors via several public and private online portals. 

"It is beyond frustrating on the vaccine process," she said. "Each state should have the same guidelines and protocols."

McCormack-Grange said she's not looking for any special treatment but notes that her mom, a crossing guard in Spring Lake, was hit by a car on the job six years ago. A year later, Paulette was back on the job protecting children.

"She went back to serve her community because she is an amazing woman," McCormack-Grange said. "However, her community and state are failing her." 

Who's eligible next for the COVID vaccine in NJ?

On March 29, those working in the following industries can begin booking appointments for a COVID-19 vaccine:

  • Food production, agriculture and food distribution
  • Elder care and support
  • Warehousing and logistics
  • Social services support staff
  • Elections 
  • Hospitality
  • Medical supply chain
  • Postal and shipping services
  • Clergy
  • The judicial system

Scott Fallon covers the environment for NorthJersey.com. To get unlimited access to the latest news about how New Jersey’s environment affects your health and well-being,  please subscribe or activate your digital account today.

Email: fallon@northjersey.com 

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