Request a Training

We offer Know Your Rights information, presentations and workshops and training on laws, policies, and programs practices that impact New Mexicans across our communities.  Training is available for community members, service agencies, public interest lawyers and advocates.

Currently we are conducting trainings about: 

  • Public Benefits programs, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), & Medicaid
  • Immigrant eligibility and access to public benefits programs
  • Workers’ compensation for farm and ranch laborers
  • Wage and hour rights of low-income workers
  • Language rights
  • Housing
  • Loans and debt 
  • Medical debt and healthcare coverage programs
  • Other key issues impacting low-income communities

If you would like NMCLP to give a presentation or training to your organization or group, please contact our Office Manager at or call (505) 255-2840.

Please note that we can only arrange trainings for groups of 10 or more people.
