Budget & Expenditure

All of the Commission's operating expenses are appropriated from fees for casino licenses, other licenses, slot machines, and services, which are deposited in the Casino Control Fund. N.J.S.A. 5:12-143.

Budget Summary (Fiscal years ended June 30)*

  FY 2020* FY 2021* FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025
 Request $7,267,000 $7,597,000 $7,410,000 $7,957,000 $8,114,000 $8,745,000
 Appropriation $7,267,000 $7,597,000 $7,410,000 $7,957,000 $8,114,000 $8,745,000
 Expenditures** $5,286,721 $5,291,261  $6,028,971 $6,537,896    
 Resources Not Spent** $1,980,279 $2,305,739  $1,381,029 $1,419,104    

* Due to COVID-19, FY 2020 was extended three months to Sept. 30 2020. P.L. 2020, c.19. Figures are presented in 12-month fiscal periods to aid comparability.

** Amounts are subject to adjustments.

Budget Comparison by Appropriation Unit

($ in Thousands) FY 2020* FY 2021* FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025
App Exp App Exp App Exp App Exp App Exp App Exp
 Salaries & Fringe Benefits $5,010 $3,900 $5,340 $3,983 $5,153 $4,705 $5,700 $5,306 $6,037   $6,668  
 Materials & Supplies $84 $59 $84 $66 $84 $64 $84 $28 $84   $84  
 Services Other Than Personal $600 $251 $600 $204 $600 $272 $600 $272 $600   $600  
 Maintenance & Fixed Charges $1,333 $899 $1,333 $879 $1,333 $892 $1,333 $856 $1,153   $1,153  
 Special Purpose $20 $15 $20 $5 $20 $11 $20 $4 $20   $20  
 Capital Additions & Equipment $220 $163 $220 $154 $220 $85 $220 $71 $220   $220  


$7,267 $5,287 $7,597 $5,291 $7,410 $6,029 $7,957 $6,538 $8,114   $8,745  

Columns may not foot due to rounding.

* Due to COVID-19, FY 2020 was extended three months to Sept. 30 2020. P.L. 2020, c.19. Figures are presented in 12-month fiscal periods to aid comparability.

App = Appropriated
Exp = Expended; amounts are subject to adjustments

Service Vendors Receiving Remuneration of at Least $17,500
During the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2024

  • Schiff Enterprises
  • State of N.J. Department of Treasury
  • State of N.J. Office of Information Technology

Annual Audit

The Independent Auditor's Report is available in the New Jersey Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.


The above information is provided in accordance with the requirements of P.L. 2011, Chapter 167 (N.J.S.A. 40:56A-4.1). Some expenses of the Commission, including but not limited to rent, building maintenance and utilities, are paid through the Department of Treasury and the exact vendor is reported if known.