Study Tips

Being successful in class requires that you prepare and study. Did you know that you should be studying outside of class for two to three hours a week for every credit hour you take? For example, if you register for 16 credit hours, you should study outside of class for at least 32 hours a week.  Below are some tips to help you study effectively whether you are by yourself or in a group.

Tips for Studying or Working By Yourself

  • Find a quiet place where you can focus and be free of distractions.
  • Don’t wait until you have “more time” or it “feels right” to start studying or working on an assignment. Starting is half the battle.
  • Start small with the part of the task that feels most doable.
  • Set a timer for 15 minutes and do as much as you can in that time.
  • Push aside perfectionism, tell yourself you can fine tune little details after you have completed the basic work.

Tips for Studying or Working With a Friend or Group

  • The best way to find a study buddy or members of a study group are to attend your classes regularly. You’ll connect with classmates who can help you stay on track with assignments and study for upcoming quizzes and exams. You can also connect with your classmates by using Study Buddies in Navigate Student.
  • Studying or working with others can help you feel more anchored and like you’re not doing it all on your own.
  • Consider setting a regular time to meet with your friend or study group. Establishing a regular meeting time will help you create a routine.
  • Come prepared with questions you have about your course content or project.
  • Learn more about the benefits of study groups by visiting the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning’s website.

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